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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Technology Use Across Generations Generation Y & Z (Millenials) '82-present Silent Generation '25-'45 Generation X '65-'81 Baby Boomers '46-'64 79% Use the internet30% Use Social Networking51% Use Cell Phone for texting50% Have Slept with their cellphone next to their bed.Make up 26% of the total timespent using smartphones duringa typical week in the U.S. 90% Use the internet75% Use Social Networking51% Use Cell Phone for texting83% Have Slept with their cellphone next to their bed.Make up 41% of the total timespent using smartphones duringa typical week in the U.S. 87% Use the internet50% Use Social Networking77% Use Cell Phone for texting68% Have Slept with their cellphone next to their bed.Make up 30% of the total timespent using smartphones duringa typical week in the U.S. 58% Use the internet-About 30% of internet users use social networkingMake up 3% of the total timespent using smartphones duringa typical week in the U.S. Resources:Nanji, A. (2014, July 9). How Different Generations Use Smartphones. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from creating, sharing & exploring great visuals today! (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from, K. (2010, December 16). Generations 2010. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Cell Phones have become a major source for using the internet. This Infograph takes a look at different generations and howthey're using their cell phones to acess different things. It's no surprise that Millenials lead the pack in most of these statistics.One thing that did stick out, however, was generation x's much larger numbers on using phones for texting.Also it was interesting to see that Baby Boomers and Generation X smartphone users are on smartphonesfor almost the same amount of time in a given week.
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