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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In this era (c. 15001789), ABSOLUTE MONARCHY WAS CHARACTERIZED BY the centralizing power oflargerthanlife monarchs who were able to promote the idea that they ruled by divine right. This meant that they were beyond question or challenge. The monarchs had direct control over all institutions and subjects which were used in hisher service. In this era (c. 1500-1789), ABSOLUTE MONARCHY WAS CHARACTERIZED BY the centralizing power oflarger-than-life monarchs who were able to promote the idea that they ruled by divine right. This meant that they were beyond question or challenge. The monarchs had direct control over all institutions and subjects which were used in his/her service. Henry IV (r. 1598 -1610) Louis XIII (r. 1610 - 1643) relied on Duke de Luynes and Cardinal Richelieu to help him with running the kingdom. RICHELIEU was the first minister of Louis XIII and was a pivotal figure in strengthening French absolutism. He established direct control over the kingom's administration by assigning appointed intendants to administer each district. He also subordinated everything under the king and lessened protestants' rights. Louis XIV (r. 1643 - 1715) CAUSES OF ABSOLUTEMONARCHY IN FRANCE is considered as one of the greatest kings of France & was instrumental in ending the religious wars. He was able to do this through the passage of the Edict of Nantes which gave the protestants substantial rights in a country still essentially Catholic. He established the ending of the war with Spain in 1598 (Treaty of Vervins). Also, he was able to earn his people's respect by succeeding in promoting economic growth throughout his kingdom. The death of Henry III led to the crowning of Henry IV, a Calvinist, as king of Francein 1589. He converted toCatholicism in 1593. DECLINE OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE: Louis XIV’s lavish spending and desire to obtain new territories simply drained his resources, caused the end of his reign, and caused the decline of absolutism. is the epitome of absolutism. Jules Mazarin, his chief minister, attempted to raise revenues so the people revolted. Louis was attacked, therefore, he strengthened absolutism. He had great influence over the people. He had an extravagant reign and its epitome was the Palace of Versailles. Establishing religious unity was essential for him. To do this, he abolished the Edict of Nantes in 1685. His finance minister, Jean Baptiste Colbert, worked on making France selfsufficient by focusing more on the country's local products. is the epitome of absolutism. Jules Mazarin, his chief minister, attempted to raise revenues so the people revolted. Louis was attacked, therefore, he strengthened absolutism. He had great influence over the people. He had an extravagant reign and its epitome was the Palace of Versailles. Establishing religious unity was essential for him. To do this, he abolished the Edict of Nantes in 1685. His finance minister, Jean Baptiste Colbert, worked on making France self-sufficient by focusing more on the country's local products. EFFECTS OF ABSOLUTISM IN FRANCE: In In In In IMPACT TO THE MODERN WORLD: France France Absolutism Absolutism France France Absolutism Absolutism His conversion appealed to the people who feared the wars and wanted social stability. His popularity among the people led him to gain absolute power. There were revolts because of the way the monarchs handled the country’s resources. Catholicism became the dominant religion in France. Religious wars in France between the Huguenots (Calvinist Protestants) and the Catholics caused chaos and instability. created by: Kyla Kristiana Lu sources: > World History: Creative Responses Through the Ages (III) > > > GROWTH OF NATION STATES France remains self sufficient. It is the leading agricultural producer and exporter in Europe.Catholicism is still the dominant religion. The royal law codified under Louis XIV became the basis of the Napoleonic Code. France remains self- sufficient. It is the leading agricultural producer and exporter in Europe.Catholicism is still the dominant religion. The royal law codified under Louis XIV became the basis of the Napoleonic Code.
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