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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 *resources How a Bill Becomes a Law First ReadingThe first look at the bill. If it includes money, it starts in the house.Hopper: where members place the bills to be introducedBills that have money involved are usually set aside and done later. Standing committees: Permanent committee is a legislative body to which bills of specified subject matter are referred90% of all work on bills is done here. Do pass: if it passes it goesto the floor.Pigeonhole: this means it is going to be held in committee.Kill: bill diesTo move on it must be voted "Rec. Do Pass" or win a 2/3 vote. Traffic cop(controlled by the speaker): Decides when the bill can move to the next step.House holds bills with money involved not the senate. Read again to remember allthe info in the bill.Couple months since they'vegone over the bill. Filibuster: Endless debate inorder to make the bill fail.Cloture: can end a filibuster witha 2/3 vote.Rules for debate1.) Must stand the whole time2.)Senate must recognize himbefore he speaks.3.)Speaker must yield to a question before it is asked. Voting Rules:1.) Vote alphabetically with"yea" or "nay"2.) No one can vote afterdecision is made.3.) If the senator declines to vote he must say why.50%+1 wins the vote. Both chambers voteon bill to see if itmoves on or dies. Conference committee: Made to resolve disagreements on the bill.It comes here to resolve problems.Rules:1.) Bill must be the exact same.2.) House and Senate must sign offon it. Sign it: Becomes a law.Veto it: Die, can be overriddenwith 2/3 vote.Pocket veto: If after 10 days congress adjourns; bill dies.Hold it: president doesn't signwithin 10 days, bill becomesa law without signiture
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