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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 EYE WELLNESS Cornea: transparent layer forming the front of the eye. Iris: Colored membrane behind the cornea of the eye. Lens: Helps refract aim light to be focused on the retina. Retina: Back of the eye where the nerves are sent to the brain to tell what you are seeing. Macula: It is the region of greatest visual acuity (sight) more precise sight. Optic Nerve: Where the retina passes to reach the brain. Pupil: Where light passes (opens with no light, closes with light) Cornea: transparent layer forming the front of the eye. Iris: Colored membrane behind the cornea of the eye. Lens: Helps refract aim light to be focused on the retina. Retina: Back of the eye where the nerves are sent to the brain to tell what you are seeing. Macula: It is the region of greatest visual acuity (sight) more precise sight. Optic Nerve: Where the retina passes to reach the brain. Pupil: Where light passes (opens with no light, closes with light) Parts of the Eye Keep it Healthy To keep your eyes healthy you should do the following: 1- Eat good and healthy 2- Quit smoking if you already smoke. If you don't smoke, DON'T start.3- Wear sunglasses when it is sunny outside (this will help you keep you Retina healthy)4- Use healthy eye wear (only glasses with your prescription)5- Look away from the computer screen (Lessen the time you spend near a computer or telephone)6- Visit your eye doctor regularly (visit yearly to make sure your eyes are healthy or if the perscription you are using should remain the same) Negative Predictions You can get your eyes infected. Your eyes are very sensitive and can get germs or scratches in them easily. Even if you don't get enough sleep your eyes will definitely be affected. never look at the sun because your eyes are made to only see certain kinds of light, and the sun is too bright for them to handle. It's brightness will damage the light-sensitive part inside of your eyes called the retina. this and many other things can lead to the blindness if not taken good care of your eyes. By: Samantha Hernandez, Mariel Ramirez, and Avigail Ayala
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