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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 We have content and viable in Google search , next step is lead people to our core value Target : Create community for Wordflash app with : - Above 100.000 "likes" Fanpage - Above 10.0000 "Targeted friend" Facebook accountsTime duration : 1-2 months : 1/2/2015 - 1/3/2015+ Method suggestion :- Create (3000 - 4000 "target" Friends ) Facebook Accounts manually or using soft- Using Facebook Accounts to increase like for Fanpage- Using Fanpage + Facebook Account as a place to show review and content and clip about English Tips Show viewer and member the way to using app WordFlash by " Content" OBJECTS start from scratch[clears the canvas] FacebookGoogle +TwitterZaloect.v.v. WordFlash Make A Buzz!!! Digital Campaign Strategy Social Media Mobile Marketing Media SEO - SEM - ASO Community Social Media - Join English Group Via facebook and Zalo community- Using "content" to show member way to get better in English- Open English Group- Creat Event - Increase Fanpage Like via freelancer and soft- Cooperate with other English FanPage admin to show our "Content" via their post at certain time. Community Forum , Blogger, Website Target : Visible on any high rank English forum , blog , website Time duration : 2 weeks : 1/2/2015 - 15/2/2015+ Method suggestion :- Search and post "Content" , clip in every high ranked English Forum manually or using Software- Use "Content" adding to high ranking Blog and Website about English - Use "content " to attract people to the Facebook , fanpage , Site ,or to the AppStore directly Email Marketing Email Marketing Mobile Marketing Target : Above 100.000 SMS, Email with content to targeted audience.Time duration : 2 weeks : 1/2/2015 - 15/2/2015- Use soft or freelancer to send Mass Email and SMS with "content" about English and Learning English Solution with Targeted Database- Attract them to the Facebook , fanpage , Site ,or to the AppStore directly Phase II : System Exploring Community Forum , Blogger, Website SEO - SEM - ASO Target : Make Wordflash App Visible : Top 10 Google keyword , Top 10 Google play suggest list keywordTime Duration : 2 months : 1/1/2015 - 1/3/2015+ Method suggestion- Optimize keyword , heading , title , content , description , html over the website and content - Using google adword to make targeted keyword more viable via search engine Google- Get more review and rate via Social Media , Community , Email marketing and Media Media Target : + Top 10 English Study English solution suggest list via youtube + At least 50.000 view in 2 monthsTime duration : 2 months : 1/1/2015 - 3/1/2015+ Method suggestion- Create English Youtube channel with content about :+ English Tips , Solution about getting better in English+ Review App WordFlash via youtube + Posting Youtube comment attract people to the channel + Optimize youtube content + Attract people to fanpage , facebook or AppStore directly Target : - Optimize Content from any digital channel , make app Wordflash more viable in every search engine - Attract more people to our system via Google into our site , Fanpage and even Appstore !!!Date : 1/1/2015 - 1/3/2015 Phase I : Optimize 1 2 3 4 Target : - Set up system with above 500.000 viewer including people having issues with English and English user - Make app Wordflash more viable in every channelDate open : 1/2/2015 - 1/3/2015Bonus : With Phase 1 , people would easy to figure out Wordflash keyword with direction search engine and with searching and viewers from Phase 2 also increasing Phase 1 effectiveness Target : Make app Wordflash viable via high ranked English blog , forum and websiteTime duration : 2 months : 112015 132015+ Method suggestion : Using Content with targeted keyword including review and Clip + picture about app Cooperate with English field blogger to show our content via their blog , write review about app from their blog Connect to other app designer,app user to write review about Wordflash Target : Make app Wordflash viable via high ranked English blog , forum and websiteTime duration : 2 months : 1/1/2015 - 1/3/2015+ Method suggestion :- Using Content with targeted keyword including review and Clip + picture about app - Cooperate with English field blogger to show our content via their blog , write review about app from their blog- Connect to other app designer,app user to write review about Wordflash 5 The End Ho Thanh QuangMobile : 01683874709Email : Review Phase 1 Phase 2 WordflashMake a Buzz !
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