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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 DOCTOR ER PATIENT ADMISSIONAdmit patients to the hospital for continued care. Write orders of medication, dietary instructions, consultation with a specialist. PATIENT ORDERSWrite medical orders- specific information required for further care of the patient. PATIENT RECOVERYtreat patients according to illness or condition TRIAGEProcess of of identifying & prioritizing patients who require immediate, urgent care Typically an ER Doctor works a combination of day and night shifts that are 8 to 12 hours per day. ER Doctors diagnose and treat patients of all ages and backgrounds, in a wide range of illness or conditions. Trained and knowledgeable in many areas of medicine. They effectively think and act quickly to make diagnoses and determine appropriate treatments. Primary goal: to stabilize the patient's condition by treating the acute problem and releasing the patientfrom the hospital. Commonly work in the emergency departments and trauma centers of hospitals and community clinics.ER Doctors work in fast pace, intense, high pressure & stress environment. ERs are open 24 / 7 , 365 days a year Daily Schedule ER Doctors tend to incoming patients with acute conditions, managing & treating patients, getting lab results, releasing patients, taking medical histories, and reading X-rays.Patients are handed over to the next on shift doctor, providing care if onditions change. Skill s problem solvinginterpersonal skillsable to think, act & work under pressuregood judgment in stressful circumstancesstrong communication skillsanalytical & detail oriented nter - Professionals ER Nurses Doctors of other specialtiesRadiology TechniciansMedical TechniciansMedical Laboratory Technologist Related Occupations Yearly Pay: $45 600 to $379 694 Average Yearly Pay: $164 551 Hourly Pay: $70 to $190 /hourBonus: $ 0 to $ 4 500 Earning s ER Nurses ParamedicsEmergency Medical Technician A recent shortage in this occupation, lead to am increasing job demand. Job Outlook GOO D University of Toronto McMaster UniversityUniversity of Western OntarioNorthern Ontario School of Medicine SCHOOL S UNDERGRAD. REQUIERMENTS OSSD diploma80% and greater GPAGrade 12 university level: English, Mathematics, Science: biology & chemistry Volunteer Opportunitie s CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION Volunteer Requirements: Immunization RecordTB TestingProgram & Facility Orientation Blood TestPolice Check Roles &Responsibiliti es Work Enivronment Educatio n i. Earn a bachelors degree (4 year program) suggested to earn a degree in pre-med., sciences, life science, or health care relatedii. Write and pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)iii. Graduate from Medical School (4 years)iv. Take part in specialty training, a residency program in emergency medicine (2-5 years)v. Complete certification exams of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canadavi. Complete the Medical Licensing exam
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