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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Environments in the Arabian Peninsula Mountains in the Arabian Peninsula: Physical features of a mountain in the Arabian Peninsula: The physical feature for a mountain are Rocks,Trees and little bit of grass. Climates for a mountain in the Arabian Peninsula: Relatively cool climates.Harsh in winter frost may appear and receive 20 inches of rain every year. Adaptations for a mountain in the Arabian Peninsula: Terraces,Houses made of mud brick,built irrigation systems and stored water in hallowed out trees. Livability rating with justification for a Mountain in the Arabian Peninsula: I would give it a 1 because in the winter there will be frost and your crops won't grow and you won't get to eat food Trading rating with justification for a Mountain in the Arabian Peninsula: I will give it 1 because no one wants to trade on a mountain because they are isolated . double click to change this title text! Oases in the Arabian Peninsula: Physical feature of an Oases in the Arabian Peninsula: Grass,Trees,Fruits,Water holes,Springs and water Climates of an oases in the arabian peninsula: Hot and dry Adaptations of an oases in the arabian peninsula: They built homes, They farmed and traded goods to nomads,They grew fruits,Oases turned into a trading center and towns. Livability rating with justification for an oases in the Arabian Peninsula: I would give it a 5 because it varies in size ,there is plenty of food,water and also there is shade . Trading rating with justification for an oases in the Arabian Peninsula: I will give it a 5 because it became a trading center for towns also because there is plenty of food to be trade as goods.
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