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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 26 Protons in iron. 30 neutrons in iron Iron has 26 electrons in 3 energy level. Physical and chemical properties. Physical and chemical properties. Physical properties.* Silverwhite or grayish metal*Ductile*Malleable*Naturally occurring magnetic elements Physical properties.* Silver-white or grayish metal*Ductile*Malleable*Naturally occurring magnetic elements Chemical Properties*Iron active metal*Dissolve acids and react with many other elements.*it combines with oxygen in moist air.*Iron may cause conjunctivitis, choroiditis, and retinitis if it contacts and remains in the tissues. Chemical Properties*Iron active metal*Dissolve acids and react with many other elements.*it combines with oxygen in moist air.*Iron may cause conjunctivitis, choroiditis, and retinitis if it contacts and remains in the tissues. Ancient Egyptians hold learned how to use iron before the first Dynosty which began in about3400 B.C. Iron was not of muchvalue to humans until they learned how to free iron from its compound.The Egyptians probably found the iron in meteorites. Some meteorites are veryrich in iron. Small amount of carbon mixedwith iron produced a strong alloy, that alloywas steel. Iron readily combines with oxygen in moist air, product of this reaction is Fe2O3is known as rust. Iron found in Earth core sunasreriods and stars, outside the solar system. History Parvina Bahtiyorova Iron is important to plants humans and animals.It is a strong metal that is not that expensive. It has properties that can be changed accor-ding to the need of man kind by mixing it with other substances. Circulation of liquid iron deep in the earth is believed to create electric currentsthat crate our planets magnetic field. Uses Facts *Blood's deep red color is due to iron-rich proteins, which are found in all living organisms.*Although iron is an essential mineral, too much of it is extremely toxic. Bohr model & picture
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