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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Across the BayBy Donald Davie Overall Meaning: The poem talks about how peaceful the beach was, but then it transitions from talking about the beuty and serenity of the beach to murder,this most likely could mean that just beccause something is beutiful on the outside doesn't mean it can't have depth or something sinister on the inside Figurative Language- In the poem the type of figurative language that can be seen is imagery. Imagery can be defined as language that appeals to the five senses. Examples of this in the poem is: "noBirds there, or hardly any.", "the emptiness, the hardness" and "the silence, and the waters stillness." Structure: The poem is 12 lines and it does not follow a ryhme scheme, in fact it does not rhyme at all, you can refer to this as a free verse. A queer thing about those waters: there are noBirds there, or hardly any. --------------------The poem starts with a bland landscape that is empty without the presence of the birds.I did not miss them, I do not remember-------These lines show the authors uncertainty.He didn't notice the lack of the birds. Looking back, he finds it weird why the birds weren't there.Missing them, or thinking it uncanny. The beach socalled was a blinding splinter of limestone,----This line refers to the beach as a bright piece of grey limestone. Hints there is something in the area.A quarry outraged by hulls.We took pleasure in that: the emptiness, the hardness-- Touches back on the enjoyment of the silence in the area.Of the light, the silence, and the waters stillness. But this was the setting for one of our murderous scenes.-the beach was a scene for a crime committed.This hurt, and goes on hurting:--the crime committed may have been an accident. Most people who commit a crime do not feel guilty after following through with their plan, however, the narrator does.The venomous soft jelly, the undersides.-comparing the guilt that the narrator feels from the crime to tentacles of a jellyfish. We could stand the world if it were hard all over.referring back to the group of children among with the narrator who committed the crime so many haunting years ago A queer thing about those waters: there are noBirds there, or hardly any. ---------------------The poem starts with a bland landscape that is empty without the presence of the birds.I did not miss them, I do not remember--------These lines show the authors uncertainty.He didn't notice the lack of the birds. Looking back, he finds it weird why the birds weren't there.Missing them, or thinking it uncanny. The beach so-called was a blinding splinter of limestone,-----This line refers to the beach as a bright piece of grey limestone. Hints there is something in the area.A quarry outraged by hulls.We took pleasure in that: the emptiness, the hardness--- Touches back on the enjoyment of the silence in the area.Of the light, the silence, and the waters stillness. But this was the setting for one of our murderous scenes.--the beach was a scene for a crime committed.This hurt, and goes on hurting:---the crime committed may have been an accident. Most people who commit a crime do not feel guilty after following through with their plan, however, the narrator does.The venomous soft jelly, the undersides.--comparing the guilt that the narrator feels from the crime to tentacles of a jellyfish. We could stand the world if it were hard all over.-referring back to the group of children among with the narrator who committed the crime so many haunting years ago Line by Line Analysis
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