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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 COPYRIGHTS EXPLAINED Exceptions can be made for specificpurposes, works and situations. For education, exceptions are publically available material on the internet, distance education, cinematographic works, andreproduction in class. Public domain is work that belongs to the public, andis free/doesn't require permission (the copyright owners has authorizedthis or it wasnt eligible for protectionat all like names, slogans, facts and ideas) A further exception to the copyright law is fair dealing. This is when the item isused for certain limited and noncommerical copyingpurposes, more specificallyresearch, private studies, critique, review and news reporting. Infringement of the copyright law can either be direct or indirect, and can be civil (pay compensation) or criminal (face imprisonment) Copyrights protectcommunication signals,performer's performance, sound recording, artisticwork, dramatic work,and literary work. An intellectual (intangible) property right, a protection of "expression", a right that the owner has to how their IP can be used. While it will seem easier to use publicdomain, there will be many importantresources thatare copyrighted. It is important to knowwhat is covered, andwhat exceptions aremade so that nothinggets missed or forgotten. Even with good intentions, everythingneeds to be given appropriate credit. Not only is it againstthe law to plagerize,I want to demonstrate to studentsthe correct and responsible way to use resources It is very important to watch the sourcefor all classroom literary sources like worksheets and textbooks I will pay attention to these exceptions whensearching through articles to compliment lesson plans, as well as student tools and provided media. As a teacher in Canada, I am responsible to make sure that all material I am using has correctpermission. Fair Dealing What isn't it? What are theconsequences? What are the exceptions? What does it protect? What is a copyright?
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