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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Food Industry local organic | industrial organic | Industrial | Hunter-Gatherer industrial 4,000 deceptivebusinesses What it all means $177.6 billion paid to farm subsidestax payers spend $56 billionFarmers lose more than a dollar per bushel of corn. hunter-gatherer 2. industrial organic Short Distance 2 Pigs eat corn and manure, like they're made to. They roam freeCows much on grass and are moved to a fresh patch dailyChickens are actually "free range" and eat grass and insects Happy Animals People are traveling right down the roadto get their food. There are no preservativesbecause the food is not shipped. They personally know their farmer and trustthat the food they are eating is meant to benefit them. 1 2/3 of all processed food7 pounds of corn=1 pound of beefIn CAFO's, cows are fed nothing but corn leading to poor health *resources - local organic Everything goes backto corn. Subsidies are what drivefarmers to produce such unhealthy and wastefulfoods. Obesity rates are at an all-time high. look at what they're eating! Coca-cola: honest tea, OdwallaGeneral Mills: Cascadian Farm, Muir GlenKellogg: bear Naked, Kashi, Morning FarmsKraft: Boca Foods, Back to NaturePepsi: Naked Juice Everyone sees a profit to be made 1. : Only certified organic ingredients : 95% organic ingredients : 70% of ingredients are organic 100% organic made with organic ingredients Organic Plus you're eating seasonally!This means a balanced dietand one with a wide variety offoods. It's a global way of eating. The earliest food-chain, it's also the riskiest. Not in a typical health sense, butfiguring out which foods will kill you and which will give you actual nutrition. The earliest food-chain, it's also the riskiest. Not in a typical health sense, butfiguring out which foods will kill you and which will give you actual nutrition. Start at 1:50
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