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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 35% of global food production relies on pollination from bees. Bee populations around the world have drastically declined due to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) Do you see what I see? How bee vision and human sight compare Color Differentiation The Bee Spectrum Bees are unable to differentiate between two colors unless they are 80-100 nm apart but are generally guided by flower color rather than brightness. The visible spectrum for bees is shifted toward the violet end of the human spectrum. They see ultraviolet light vibrantly but cannot differentiate reds and oranges. Bees have three types of photoreceptors that peak in the ultraviolet (UV), blue, and green areas of the spectrum. Thus, they are able to see patterns and details unavailable to humansincluding a virtual bullseye for finding pollen. Human Photoreceptors The Visible Spectrum Trichrome Vision Humans see a relatively small spectrum of wavelengths ranging from 400-700nm. Photoreceptors form an image of the visual world. In humans, these cones and rods vary in their sensitivity to light and result in color vision. All non-cited information from Hempel de Ibarra et al. (2014)Created by B. Brauner 2014 Why is this important? (Vanengelsdorp 2009) (Danforth 2007) (Diekotter et al. 2013) By increasing the number of flowers that visually attract bees in our communities, we can help support and increase the bee population. (Danforth 2007) Bees contribute $14 billion to the U.S. economy each year through pollination. Mass flowering plants increase abundance of bees.
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