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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Golden Lion Tamarin double click to change this header text! Genus and species name: Leontopithecus chrysomelasSize: length: Head-and-body length: 22 26 cm, Size: Weight: 480-700gColor: It is mainly golden with streaks of orange on its headUnique characteristics: When in danger or defending its territory, this tamarin raises its fantastic mane and fluffs up its fur to give it the appearance of being bigger than it really is, whilst flicking its tongue at the intruder to scare them awayDifferences between males and females: The difference between a male and a female is the fact that females grow larger than the maleKind of animal (marsupial, primate, reptile, bird, etc.):Family: Callitrichidae Physical Appearance Habitat: Lowland, dense tropical jungle and in the treesRange: Brazil Habitat and range Diet And Role Is your animal a predator, prey or scavenger?: PredatorDoes your animal pollinate a certain plant or spread the seed of a certain plant?: NoDescribe your animals food chain: Insects-Tamarin-HumansDoes your animal feed at night (nocturnal) or during the day (diurnal)?: My animal feeds in the day so he is DiurnalDoes your animal play any other important roles in the habitat?: They take fruit from trees when they canIf your animal disappeared how would the habitat be changed?: The Habitat would not be changed not much but if it did the insects will overpopulate Behavior and Reproduction What is the length of gestation (pregnancy) or incubation (eggs)?: Gestation lasts 125 to 132 days, often resulting in twins.How many offspring (babies) or eggs does your species have? How often (once a year, twice a year)?: They Usually have twins once or twice a year but with different femaleHow long does a parent care for the offspring? Do both parents care for the young?: The mother takes care of the infant for two weeks and then the mother and the father split who takes care of him but when they reach 20 months of age they stop taking care of him.Does your animal mate for life?: No they mate when it is mating seasonWhat is the lifespan of your animal?: 14 years if in captivity if not it is 8 yearsDoes your animal live alone or in groups?: They can live in groups and some do but it is more common that they live alone. Why is this animal endangered? What is being done? Why is your animal endangered? Is there a major reason or combination of reasons?: The main reasons of them being endangered is the fact that they are being hunted for food for Brazilian restaurants and there lost of habitat because of loggingIs anything being done to save your animal? If so, what? Do you have any ideas? Nothing is happening to save my animal besides if you count them being captured and put in zoos for money. I would think that to help them not go extinct we should give them reservations like a certain area where no one is allowed to go. Auggie Gehret 7-B
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