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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In humans, PGD was developed in the United Kingdom in the mid 1980s as an alternative to current prenatal diagnoses. United Kingdom 15% 15% 30% 8% 32% Yes, Everyone should have a choice Yes, Prevent health problems that genetic No, Ungodly, immoral No, Ban it Uncertain Society's Opinion on Designer Babies The New Race:Designer Babies Genetically Engineered Babies by Madison Childs 30 healthy and successfully genetically engineered (GE)babies have been born in the United States. 30 healthy and successfully genetically engineered (GE)babies have been born in the United States. -IVF Costs about $15,000 per try-$20,000+ to Freeze eggs Future Plans -Scientist are saying they willbe able to choose more complex chromosomes, and choose personality traits, withinthe nest few years. PGD: Pre-implatation Genetic Diagnosis-Process to screening embryos searching for genetic diseases.-Profiling Embryos after screenings IGM: How It Works Prefessional Oppinions Dr Colin Gavaghan, Director, NZ Law Foundation Centre for Emerging Technologies, Faculty of Law, University of Otago, comments:In my book Defending the Genetic Supermarket, I argued that prospective parents should, on the whole, be allowed to make these sorts of choices if they want; or at least, we should be able to offer them a pretty good reason if we are to ban them from doing so. Thats a controversial position, and a lot of people of course disagree." Marcy Darnovsky, associate executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, a nonprofit public interest group in Oakland, Calif, comments:"If we're going to produce children who are claimed to be superior because of theirparticular genes, we risk introducing new sources of discrimination" in society, says -Cystic Fibrosis: 1 in ever 3500 births-Sickle Cell Disease: 1 every 12-Down Syndrome: 1 every 1,000-Haemophilia: more common in males-Huntington's Disease: 5-7 per 100,000 Main Genetic Disorders
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