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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 treat your brain first real the impacts 1) I feel depressed or empty most of the dayand nearly every day.2) I have notably lost interest and/or pleasurein nearly all daily activities. consider symptoms 1 & 2and add 4 (or more) of thefollowing symptoms significantweight loss psychomotor agitationor retardation fatigue insomnia orhypersomnia excessive guilt WOMEN 70% more likely to experiencedepression in their lifetime nearly every day or decrease/increase in appetite nearly daily tense motions or slowedthoughts and physical activity;observed by others loss of energynearly every day or feeling of worthlessness(may be delusional) nearlyevery day interference with life how do i get healthy? 1) tell the ones close to you about the condition2) contact VCU therapy services at (804) 828-6200or find preferred therapist for at least one visit to consider treatmentssuch as medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and interpersonal therapy Do you feelDepressed? prevalence diminishedconcentration thoughts of death recurrent thoughts of death& suicide reduced thought abilityor indecisivenessnearly every day Kates story: falling into a deep hole that you cannot climb out ofsome days you float upward without even trying; on other days,you wish that you would hit bottom so that you would never fall again.When others were considered: My father asked me to promise that I wouldnever cut myself again and I said I would not, but that promise meant nothing to me.I knew it was to ease his pains and fears and not mine,and my preoccupation with death continued (Barlow et al. 2012). Kates story: “…falling into a deep hole that you cannot climb out ofsome days you float upward without even trying; on other days,you wish that you would hit bottom so that you would never fall again.When others were considered: My father asked me to promise that I wouldnever [cut myself] again and I said I would not, but that promise meant nothing to me.I knew it was to ease his pains and fears and not mine,and my preoccupation with death continued (Barlow et al. 2012). depression iscaused by a COMBINATION of genetic,biological, environmental, andpsychological factors. depression iscaused by a COMBINATION of genetic,biological, environmental, andpsychological factors. college students OR1-800-799-4TTY(4889)to talk to a trained counselor
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