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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 All About Depression All About Depression Common Symptoms Fatigue / Loss of energy Disturbed Sleep Physical pain and symptoms Reduced appetite or sudden loss or gain of weight Suicidal thoughts / feeling guilt Dificulty concentrating or remembering = 1,000,000 americans who develop depression each year 17-20 Million Most at risk: -People 45-65 years old-Women-People unable to work or unemployed-Those without health insurance Who does depression affect? -1 in 8 woman develop depression-Woman are 2x more likely to develop depression than men-Most common ages in women are 25-44 -Over 3,000,000 American men depressed-Men 4x more likely to commit suicide-500,000 of those 3 million = Adolecents 8% 11% of teens 12-17experience depression of adolescents have a depressive disorderby 18 It is the thirdleading cause of death in teens Statistics in the US, over 50 billonare spend yearly on depression Each year the number of people diagnosed increases by 20% 80% of depressed people do notget proper treatment Tips and Treatment: Excercise Sleep Talk to someone you trust Avoid alcoholand drugs Do not isolateyourself Ivanna Bueno, Sara Garza, Ricky Husemann Dr. Danny K. Mann83035840 Saw or talked to a professional only Used prescriptionmedication only Saw or talked to a professional and took prescription medication Saw or talked to a professional and took prescription medication Saw or talked to a professional only Used prescriptionmedication only Teenagers Adults Monica Carrion Maciel811544850
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