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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 BELIEFS THOUGHTS (Psst! Not making a decision, btw, is ITSELF a decision) about yourself//the world/life Inspired by School of Greatness podcast episode #36: Lewis Howes with Chris Lee Out of these 4 circles, ACTIONS are the only "visible" ones (meaningthe ones we tend to notice and evaluate). Because the other 3 are so hard to see & grasp, we're rarely even AWARE of how much POWER our beliefs + thoughts haveover us- and our entire lives. This is ironic, since they are almost ALWAYS the rootcauses for what we do and EASILYinfluence how our entire LIVES turn out! THE BRIGHT SIDE:Now that you know the root causes, you can look at them in order to make Part 2: What You Can Do About It! THE SOLUTION: THE REASON WE KEEP REPEATINGOLD BEHAVIORS EVEN WHEN WEDON'T WANT TO is that most of ourunderlying beliefs/thoughts are INVISIBLE-so we need someone to help us dig themup, question them, and take the actionsthat prove we CAN do the thing an innerbelief is holding us back from. This is why the top athletes in the worldall still have COACHES: they can see things like our potential and our weaknessesthat, just by nature of being human, we cannot spot on our own. (Another example:this is why therapists are strongly encouraged to have their own therapist - even the BEST can't give therapy to him/herself!TAKEAWAY: We need other people we can trustto help us BREAK THROUGH our BLIND SPOTS. You don't have to try this alone!FInd a coach, mentor, therapist, tutor, teacher, trainer, or friend to help you clean up your beliefsand bust thru your most challenging areas! ...THE BIG, IMPORTANT BUT! REAL, LASTING CHANGE IN YOURSELF...BUT! ALSO--- this ish is complex! Don't feel bad that you can't solve everything in 1 lil infographic. Instead: for more solutions, HIT UP THEREALITYU.COM MAKING POSITIVE, LASTING CHANGE IS HARD. MAKING POSITIVE, LASTING CHANGE IS HARD. DECISIONS ACTIONS Part 2 of 3: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT Part 2 of 3: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT conscious AND moreimportantly, your SUBconscious ones! OUR BELIEFS REINFORCE THEMSELVES! OUR BELIEFS REINFORCE THEMSELVES! (Ever hear of a "selffulfilling prophecy" This is the system at work behind this phenomenon.) (Ever hear of a "self-fulfilling prophecy"? This is the system at work behind this phenomenon.) The Takeaway: The Takeaway: MOST IMPORTANTLY,during this process: be gentle with yourself Either way, you just got thru the hardest part Now to PART 2: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT Either way, you just got thru the hardest part! Now to PART 2: WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. It starts with yourdeeply-rooted... by @JennLebowitz Here, part 2 shows you WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT the fact that both our helpful AND harmful beliefs reinforce themselves! #WOOT! BUT it IS possible! BUT it IS possible! which CREATE your... which either CONFIRM or CHALLENGE your... which are your tools for making... which show up in life as... double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. What GREAT, or TERRIBLE, news...Depending on your beliefs! Trick: since ACTIONSare easier to notice,we tend to blame themfor our lack of changing -but our actions are a RESULT! * * Part 1 (this infographic) shows you the BEHIND THE SCENES of WHY it's tough: our inner beliefs! Part 1 of 3: The SECRET to WHY Change is Hard Part 1 of 3: The SECRET to WHY Change is Hard Wait! If you just barfed, screamed "Nooooo!" at the screen and ran away, DON'T FRET MY PET! We got you.And we promise to walk you thru it with this 3-part infographic. It's way less painful than it sounds.
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