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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Cook outdoors and picnic under the moon and stars.Keep it simple with burgers. You can purchase pre-made patties or make your own. The fun is in the toppings.Food on a stick! Kabobs are cool andoffer plenty of options. A cinch to prepare and cook, kabobs will surelyleave them satisfied.Wow them with a grilled dessert! Fruit is a standard, but how about a seared cupcake or donut? Or, toastmarshmallows and have s'mores. Make a sweet for your sweetie! Easy prep leaves more time to eat, talk, and get comfortable!Visit your favorite specialty deli for a selection of meats and cheeses. Don't forget a crusty loaf of bread.Your local fishmonger has a remarkableselection of fresh seafood, with plenty ofpre-prepared options. Candlelightshows off this sexy choice.Go vegetarian! Fruit, nuts, and vegetablesare healthy and light. Plus, if things go well use the leftovers for a reviving breakfast the next morning! You don't need a sexy accent to pull this one off! Pasta is easy to make, has endless variations,and always pleases. Paired with a salad and bottle of wine, you can't go wrong with this popular option. And, for a trulyauthentic experience pick up a few canolis, or acarton of spumoni for dessert. Go light on the garlic and onions if you want that end-of-the-night kiss. Dinner-In Date-Night Ideas Flatter With A Platter! Who Doesn't Like Pasta? The Benefits: Heat Up The Grill! -You control the atmosphere.-Show them your domestic side.-Save money for an incredible night out.-Quality alone time.-Display your creativity. Impress your date with an intimate and creative home-made meal. From easy to extravagant, tickle their taste buds and win their heart!
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