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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 1996 2000 2003 2006 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2020 Foreign students in China - overview iStudy -China language coursessummer campsdegree courses in Englishinternshipscholarships language and degree courses in variety of fields (Medicine, Engineering, IT, Business) short-term language coursessummer coursesinternships degree courses in English(Engineering, IT & Business)language courses degree courses in English(Engineering and Business)language courses between 2003 and 2013 the number of foreign students in Chinaincreased by 22% 91% of all studentsare self-founded language coursessummer camps Decision making process enrolled students used the Internet to research universities says 9 in 10 E-MAIL DIRECT PAID SEARCH SOCIAL REFERRAL prospective students now search only online mailing listnewsletterse-mails with special offers events in Chinaand abroad building trust & communityincreased traffic to the websitebrand awareness & loyaltybetter SEObetter customer experience Google AdsBing Ads word-of-mouthrecommendations from studentsendorsement from partnerstestimonials (especially video) 68% 15% 11% 5% 1% Importance of additional online resources Awareness Consideration Decision Intent ASSIST LAST INTERACTION Marketing channels and their influence on purchase decisions. source: Google Would you use an agent to support your university search process? Never Sometimes Yes Chinese government aimsto have 500,000 foreignstudents in China by 2020 Building community and engagement forum for future, current & former students ambassador programme referrals & word-of-mouth sub-pages in different languagesrun by students user-generated content(photos, videos, testimonials) activities inChina & abroad expanding the community building trust & loyalty improving customer experience reaching out to potential customers increasing online presence staying up to date withcommunity's feedback social media we are using now Most popular social media and their usage by age groups: Emerging social media v most popular networks by age groups: social media we are going to use including regional media: convenient platform accessiblefrom different devices iStudy -China Total number of users on: monthly active users 1 in 10 1.23 bn > 1 bn 300 m 255 m 343 m 188 m 200 m 70 m monthly active users monthly active users monthly unique users members users users blogs
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