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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Tax Academy Analysis Professionalism predictiveanalytics Data & IT Managing devolution policy andpolicy analysis Taxassurance Disputeresolution Customerintelligence concern concern Concern Performance Central Tax and Strategy Concern SuccessPublication of Tax Assurance Commissioner's annual report Concern Tax Policy& Stratgey Customerunderstanding Assurance Concerns> Implications of the collective impact of devolved measures and the overall HMRC budget.> The analytical resource required> Co-ordinating the impacts on the compliance risks> Could devolution fracture the customer experience. Monthly Performance January 2015 - Strategic Question on Customer Behaviour review completed and are now progressing recommendations.- CIK team developed the customer journeys for the next BoF events.- NES team supported by CIK wins The Compact Engagement Award- Successful delivery of analytical workshops to 180 LoB staff.- HMRC-GES Economics of Tax Conference helps build awareness and reputation of economics in HMRC.- Release high impact stats on take-up of Employment Allowance, with great interest shown by ministers.- Successful publication of Measuring Tax Gaps 2014.- Boosted HMRCs relationship with valuable stakeholders by supporting cross government interest in R&D and Boosting Innovation.- PDP successfully released 10 projects as planned in October.- CIOT hosted HMRC Data Sharing event around data sharing proposals and safeguarding confidentiality.- FST agreed not to go ahead with contentious proposals for new criminal offence.- Good turn out from overseas tax authorities to summit on implementing CRS.- 48 Team in Tax Academy shortlisted for Civil Service Award.- A high number of jurisdictions to implement Common Reporting Standard to counter offshore evasion.- Commended by BIS Minister for improving transparency in the management of natural resources. measuring the tax gap SuccessPublication of 'Measuring the Tax Gap 2013' Celebrations for last month
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