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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 MYTH #1 "The Body needs fat to produce energy and sustain itself." Crunch Tip: Incorporate peanut butter, fish, nuts and dairy products into your diet, be sure to give avocados a go too. You will improve your overall health significantly. "Crash Dieting may work for a short time but will not be sustainable. It will not only remove fat, but also lean muscles and tissue. Lost pound are bound to return once you're back to your normal routine diet." Crash Diet mostly gets rid of the body's water weight. Why is FAT essential -Energy Source-Helps body utilize vitamins-Contributes to good skin-Builds Healthy cells-Makes Hormones-Protective cusion for organs Low fat or non-fat diets are your best friends. Crunch Tip: A diet should provide for all the body's functions and become a part of our daily lifestyle. Food consumed after 10 pm is fattening. "Calories can't tell time." It's not when we eat that's important but total amount consumed in 24hr period. Crunch Tip: If late at night you find yourselfpeckish, instead of reaching forthat leftover lasagne or chips, tryto fix yourself a lighter much, like a salad or peanut butter sandwich. Low fat milk has less calcium than full fat milk. "Calcium is not the creamy part of milk but the watery part." You would be surprised to know that skimmed milk has 10 mg more calcium per 200 ml milk than full fat. Crunch Tip: You could use low fat milkfor most of your milk relatedrecipes, from banana smoothiesto milkshakes. A little less guiltnever hurts anyone. Vegetarians can't build muscle. "Vegetarians can build muscle just as well as meat eaters, if not more. One needs protein to build muscle but too much can be bad for the kidneys and lead to long term side effects." Where can vegetarians derivetheir protein from? -Almonds-Tofu-Hummus-Black Beans-Oatmeal-Broccoli-Avocados Top Diet Myths Debunked! Crunch Tip: Crash Dieting will makeyou lose weight. MYTH #2 MYTH #3 MYTH #4 MYTH #5
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