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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Tactic/MetricSet up monthlymeetings with managers toreceive regular feedback.Track how often I providefeedback to peers andcoworkers, and aim to increase itper project. Constructive Criticism WHAT IS MY STRENGTH? Why is it important? I am a supportive teammate, friend, and coworker. In the past:Struggled with giving teammates and coworkers constructive criticism; I worried about hurting their feelings or being disliked. Avoided receivingcriticism fearing it would deter me from trying again, and nottaking it constructively. This did not allow for much growth in teamor group environments, because feedback is a necessary piece of growth.I also held back many feelings of discontent in groups. Future:I will practice bothasking for and giving constructive criticism,and take feedback I receive as a positive way to improve. It will improve relationsin group work and in the office, because people will be more honest with me, and my performancewill improve as a result. Champion exercise:Asking for feedback (positive and negative)from a group project. Uncomfortable,but necessary and valuable. For servant leadership, being a true leadermeans valuing yourfollower's personal development as well as yours; making sure you help them develop and grow; this requires being honest in your feedback. Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.-Aristotle Fire Starter Sessions Fast Company: Of Proteges and PitfallsMentoring is valuable.It is based on constructive, honest, continuous feedback.
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