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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 History of Confucianism Confucianism began more than 2500 years ago in china.Some say Confucianism is not a religion, since there are no Confucian deities and no teachings about the afterlife. Confucius himself was a staunch supporter of ritual, however, and for many centuries there were state rituals associated with Confucianism. According to some interpretations of Confucianism, suffering and evil are inevitable in human life, and can promote learning and growth.A mistake is not a "sin," but an opportunity to learn and do better next time. Some say Confucianism is not a religion, since there are no Confucian deities and no teachings about the afterlife. Confucius himself was a staunch supporter of ritual, however, and for many centuries there were state rituals associated with Confucianism. Most importantly, the Confucian tradition was instrumental in shaping Chinese social relationships and moral thought. Thus even without deities and a vision of salvation, Confucianism plays much the same role as religion does in other cultural contexts. The founder of Confucianism was Kong Qiu (K'ung Ch'iu), who was born around 552 B.C.E. in the small state of Lu and died in 479 B.C.E. The Latinized name Confucius, based on the honorific title Kong Fuzi (K'ung Fu-tzu), was created by 16th-century Jesuit missionaries in China. Confucius was a teacher to sons of the nobility at a time when formal education was just beginning in China. A key concept in Chinese poetry is the distinction between fu, bi and xing.First mentioned in Zhou Li, these terms describe three complementary approaches to reading a piece of poetry. CONFUC IAN ISM POETRY onfucius ne creator preaded quick onnection with the world lways religious ever ending aith nteresting n china ever ending sually many followers any followers BY:Derick Diaz, Roberto Estrada
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