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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Circulatory System Nate, Landon, Alec Organs Involved: The heart is a major organ that is involved in the circulatory system as well as the lungs. Although the lungs are a part of the respiratory system, they exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. The brain is involved as well as the heart and lungs. Blood vessels are also considered organs that are involved in the circulatory system. Organs Involved: The heart is a major organ that is involved in the circulatory system as well as the lungs. Although the lungs are a part of the respiratory system, they exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. The brain is involved as well as the heart and lungs. Blood vessels are also considered organs that are involved in the circulatory system. Relying on other organ systems: The circulatory system relies on the respiratory system. Together, they supply oxygen to every cell as well as remove carbon dioxide. The circulatory system also works with the digestive system, they get nutrients and water out of food and distribute them throughout the body CER1: Claim: We claim that the muscular system interacts with our system the circulatory system.Evidence: The circulatory system pumps nutrients andblood with the help of musclesMuscles require blood and nutrients to workCirculatory system requires some musclesReasoning: The circulatory system works by pumping blood and nutrients through the body and to the muscles. The muscles depend onthe circulatory system for the nutrients such as proteins and O2 to function and develop. But as it turns out as the muscular systemrelies on the circulatory system, the circulatory system relies on the muscular system as well. The circulatory system needs the muscles of the heart to function and pump blood and other nutrients. The reason why this is needed in the body is because that without it we would die doto lack of blood and nutrients being pumped through the body. CER2:Claim: We claim that the circulatory system helps all life functions.Evidence: Circulatory system pumps blood to everythingNutrients are pumped through everythingHelps the heartReasoning: The circulatory system helps all life functions because of pumping nutrients throughout the whole body. Also by helping to carry blood from point A to B to C and so on and so forth. One major life function the circulatory system helps maintain and function is the heart muscle. The heart muscle is needed for life in the fact that it pumps blood throughout the whole body. The circulatory system helps in this process as it is connected to all the veins and arteries that deliver the nutrients and blood to every body part. Without the circulatory system intertwining with other major systems like the heart life would not be the same. CER3:Claim: We claim that this organ system is relevant since it is within every human. Evidence: Everyone in the group is human.This knowledge could come in handy if anyone goes into the medical field.Beyond that maybe for first aid or triviaReasoning: We are all human and and the fact that we know how all these systems work helps us know how to prevent or even stop some diseases. The people in the medical field need to know this so that way they can help patients and anyone who is sick. Teachers need to teach us this so if anyone wants to go into the medical field they go in with some prior knowledge as a guiding hand for future medical practitioners. Beyond the classroom or life or medical school this would make for some good info in the first aid field or maybe just as trivia. Whatever it is, it is important in every single person’s life. Disease: Atherosclerosis Symptoms: Chest pain, sudden numbness or weakness in arms or legs, slurred speech, sagging muscles in the face, leg pain, high blood pressure and possibly kidney failure. How it is diagnosed: Doctor might find hardened arteries, enlarged arteries, or narrowed arteries during a physical. Another couple examples it can get diagnosed is weak or absent pulse below the narrowed artery, decreased blood pressure in the affected limb, or evidence of a poor wound healing in affected area. Treatments: There are some medications you can use and these are: Cholesterol medications, anti-platelet medication, beta blocker medications, and water pills. Some more treatment options include: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and calcium channel blockers. Quality of life: Life with this disease is very healthy. if you smoked, you stop, you eat very healthy, you exercise most days of the week, you need to manage your stress and lastly, lose weight to stay healthy. Prevention: Claim: We claim that people can prevent atherosclerosis through a couple of changes in their life.Evidence: Quit smoking, Eat healthy, Exercise regularly, Maintain a healthy weightReasoning: We claim that you prevent atherosclerosis through not smoking, eat healthy, exercise, and stay at a healthy weight. If you do decide to change your life, do it one step at a time. When you do all of this, it will prevent a blood clot which in return is Atherosclerosis. By quitting smoking, eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight, you will prevent Atherosclerosis. Eradicate:Claim: We claim that to eradicate this disease, people would have to work together.Evidence: Eat healthier, lose cholesterol, stay healthy.Reasoning: We claim that to eradicate this disease, people would have to work together. In order to work together, you would have to eat healthier, lose the cholesterol build up in your arteries, and all-in all, just stay healthier. You really cannot destroy or eliminate this disease, or any disease in fact, but you can prevent it.
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