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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Work condition s Choreographer Vs. Parole officer Usually in a studio, theater Or in a high school. Working odd long hours. Sometimes evenings and weekends. Working in office. Usually visiting your parolee at home,Making sure they are following the rules. Doing a lot of paper work In the office. Education you will need to match your skills with going into dance academy's or dance studios and taking choreography lessons and learning multiple dance style. Requirements for probation and parole officers vary by state. Most states require a bachelors degree in social criminology or a related field. Some states also require prior work experience in the social services or a criminal justice field. Bachelors degrees usually take 4 years to complete. The amount you will be paiddepends where you areworking, how skilled you are, and what degree of schooling you have had.Earning between$19,000- 71,000 yearly.Median wage at 38,000 Earnings Usually earn between $30,000-$85,000 a year. Entry-level officers generally start off at less than $40,000 a year. Experienced officers typically earn between $40,000 and $65,000 a year.Top-level officers may make between $65,000 and $85,000 a year,and some may earn as much as $100,000 a year. Job opportunities Number of Jobs, 2012: 25,800Job Outlook, 2012-22: 13% (As fast as average)Employment Change, 2012-22 Number of Jobs, 2012: 90,300Job Outlook, 2012-22 -1% (Little or no change)Employment Change, 2012-22
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