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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 A compound found in body tissue used for energy and cell stability, and made in the liver. It comes in two forms of lipoproteins, LDL and HDL, and it cannot be dissolved into blood. What is Cholesterol? What is LDL? What is HDL? Structure and Function: -50% cholesterol-25% protein (B-100)-delivers cholesterolto cells in the bodyand can cause buildup in blood vessels. Structure and Function: -20% cholesterol-50% protein (A-I and A-II)-carries cholesterol awayfrom internal organs backto the liver Potential Risks Due toConcentration Levels: -high-density lipoproteins-removes cholesterol where it does not belong-high levels of HDL reduce the risk for heart attack-"good" cholesterol -high levels may lead to bloodclots and heart disease-low levels will have similareffects as high levelsother molecules monitored include: total cholesterol, triglycerides, and VLDL Why Do Doctor's Monitor Cholesterol Concentration? -left behind cholesterol becomesplaque and narrows blood vessels.-due to narrow blood vessels theheart has to work harder, and maylead to a heart attack-body parts/organs may not beoxygenated due to less bloodand not function properly Cholesterol Test Result Meaning: -help determine if patient is at riskfor heart attack or stroke-determine if they have a familial lipid disorder-lower levels of triglycerides is better, can be caused by geneticsor disease. How to Change LDL and HDL levels: Health Affects from Fatsand Cholesterol: Unsaturated Fat-decrease LDL, increase HDL-ease inflammationTrans-Fat-increase LDL, decrease HDL-fuel inflammationSaturated Fat-increase LDL and HDL -eat a healthy diet-exercise regularly-avoid smoking-maintain a healthyweight LDL: < 100 mg/dLHDL: > 60 mg/dLTotal Cholesterol: < 200 mg/dLTriglycerides: < 150 mg/dL Cholesterol -low-density lipoproteins-responsible for transporting cholesterol to cells-high levels of LDL increase the risk of heart attack-"bad" cholesterol
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