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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Camel & Llama People that live in Africa and Asia depends on camels to supply most of their needs.Camels work hard for people, but their behavior are unpredictable. Camels also supplies for wool and leather for clothing and shelter. Native American use Llama as pack animals for centuries. Llama can refuse to move. Leather are made from their hides, and their wool is crafted into rugs, ropes, and fabrics. Camels are found in Africa and Asia. Llama are found in South America. Parents Organisms: Camel maintenance is very low tech, they browse and graze all the year round, without need for supplementary feeding. The male camel can carry 150 litter of water for 5 or 6 hours. They come from color and size. Lecturing female camels are milked three times a day, producing about nine liters in the wet season and six liter in the dry season. They are put to work as pack animals at age three. When they go on a journey, Llama carry more salt.In fact, a Llama can lose 20% of its live weight before finally reaching its home pasture. Llama usually cover 20 km in a six to eight hours. Hybrid Organisms: Cama It is found at Asia and South America. They live at a desert. It was introduce/discover on 1998. The first cama was named Rama The cama is smaller than a llama's calf at birth. Cama have short ears and long tail like the camel. They have no hump and llama-like-two-toed pads rather than the dromedary pads.It has a long coat like llama and it can adapt to a desert. The cama are one of the few hybrid that are always fertile. The only way to obtain a cama is artificial insemination, and they have onlybeen about six successful cama birth. The aim was to create an animal with the size and strength of the camel, but the more cooperative temperament and the higher wool production of the llama. Advertisement: At your nearest desert! Come one & Come All to see these cama! Camel + Llama = Cama
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