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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 COLONIAL BRAZIL ECONOMY THE PORTUGUESELANDED ON THEBRAZILIAN COAST. Portuguese fleet lead by Pedro Cabral landed in Brazil. The Portuguese named thecolony after its most valuable product -"brasilwood" - which in Portuguese means"red like an ember", a suitable name for itspurpose of staining luxury productsits unique shade of red. RELIGION The Portuguese broughtwith them a bunch of Jesuitsbecause the S.J. was thein thing at the time. This resultedin a lot of positive impact thathave remained in the long termand even continue to beseen until today. The Society of Jesus wasresponsible for the foundationof Rio de Janeiro in 1565.It was on this foundation thatthey were also able to convertthe indigenous peoples toCatholicism. Christianity prevented the natives from being enslaved by other colonists. Religion also pacified theTamoio natives, enablingthe colonizers to establishthe city of Sao Paulo. 1500 AD Brazil was initially anagriculture-focused colony uuntil GOLD was found duringthe 18th century. Thus, a largepart of the Brazilian inlandbecame General Mines. This lead to mining becoming the colony's main economicactivity. Agriculture and otherindustries continued (like the sugarcane cycle), but nonequite compared to the impact of the Gold Cycle. The large number of adventurers who were coming to the Minas Gerais led to the foundation of several villages - later cities. Rio de Janeiro is the capital city we know it to be today because it was closest to the General Mines. This, of course, lead toBrazil's greaterenculturationwith the Jesuitsdominating secondaryand college-leveleducation. Unlike Spanish colonies, Portuguese colonies remained territorially and linguistically united - making Brazil the largest country in the continent. Sources:,, Google Images, Google Books All of these things were for the greatergood. In the long term, this all leadto Brazil's economic empowerment throughindustrialization, etc. They were exposedto a higher level of education, thereforeequipping them thoroughly for theprogress they are going through today.The amount of enculturalization they went through resulted in what could beseen as a microcosmic endeavour of GLOBALIZATION, thus contributing to theongoing global phenomenon.
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