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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How A Bill Becomes Law Step One Step Two Step Five Step Four Step Three Step Nine Step Eight Step Seven Step Six Starts with a brief reading of the purpose of the bill. Bills are chosen from the hopper, and begin their process. Any bills dealing with money will begin in the House. The bill is now sent to a standing committee, or a committee that is permanent. 90% of the work is done here, and 90% of the bills DON'T make it out. Three main options: 1.Recommend "Do Pass"- It goes to the floor. 2. Kill it - The bill dies.3. Pigeonhole - The bill is held in committee. (All choices take a 50% + 1 vote) If the bill makes it, it is sentto the rules committee (known as the traffic cop for its "screening" of the bills). The committee chooses whether or not it is worthy of House consideration and can add conditions to a bill. This bill may have been in committee for months,and the House/Senate members will need to read it a second time to remember it. Possibly months after the second reading, they readit again. This is where debatebegins, and doesn't stop until everyone is finished. Senate may filibuster, or delay their debate. This can be stoppedwith 3/5 of the senators' votes. (cloture) Time to vote! It only takes 50% + 1 to pass.House = 218 votes. Senate = 51 votes. Bill goes to the other chamber and repeats all7 steps.Both chambers must agree on it! If bill is different in each chamber, it is sent to the conference committee, whichis run by both chambers to to compromise on bills. The bills have to be identical. Step Ten The President has 4 options:1. Sign it - It becomes a law.2. Veto - It dies, but can beoverriden by a 2/3 vote of congress.3. Pocket veto - Waits 10 daysfor congress to adjourn; bill dies.4. Hold it - Becomes lawafter 10 days of no signature.
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