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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 BILINGUAL EDUCATION IN LA RIOJA BILINGUAL SECTIONS 8 bilingual sections 4/6 PUBLIC2/6 PRIVATE primarysecondary 2011 2013/14 6 bilingual sections 6/8 PUBLIC2/8 PRIVATE primarysecondary Primary English specialist Commited teachers 2 Environmental Awareness Teachers2 Maths Teachers1 Environmental/Maths Teacher1 Specialist in Physical Education/Music1 Specialist in Physical Education1 Specialist in Music Secondary 2 Specialists English foreign teachers1 teacher (2 non-linguistic subjectsin English) Location 2 Najera2 Calahorra and Cervera del Rio Alhama4 Logronio Primary English specialist Commited teachers 4 Environmental/Maths/Arts Teachers1 Environmental/Maths/Arts Teacher1 Specialist in Physical Education /Music1 Specialist in Physical Education1 Specialist in Music Secondary 2 Specialists English foreign Teachers1 teacher (2 non-linguistic subjectsin English) Location 2 Najera 2 Calahorra and Cervera del Rio Alhama2 Logronio 2010/11 2012 88 Auxiliary conversations4 Bilingual experiences for 200 studentsCEIP San Prudencio de Albelda, San Pío X de LogronioCEO Villa de Autol y colegio San Agustín de Calahorra 8 centers more in bilingual experiences+ native assistants in classrooms101 auxiliaries of conversationsTotal of 12 centers in bilingual experiences TEACHER TRAINING PLAN In order to promote and quality of lessons Auditory compressionInteractionOral expressionMethodologies LINGUISTIC INMERSION 7 day stay in a Spanish center English/French courses to get B2 certificate Courses in aspects of English CLIL Language inmersion courses abroad Seniorio de Brinias 2010 and 2011Pedrosa de Valdeporres 2010 and 2011Monasterio de Valvanera 2010 and 2012H. San Juan de la Penia 2011Mª la Estrella, San Asensio 2011 and 2012 L' ete, Summer in English (School of Languages 2011 Logronio)Preparacion certificacion B2 (School of Languages 2013 Logronioand IES Comercio 2014) French linguistic inmersion(Royan, France 2010)English linguistic inmersion(English Speaking Country 2019) Seminar implementing CLIL (UR 2010)Foreign Languages Forum (IES Comercio 2012and 2013)Lectoescritura: 'Iniciation to Synthetic Phonics'(IES Comercio 2013)European portfolio of languages and its integrationin AICLE evaluation (Luis de Ulloa, 37, 2013)AICLE for begginers (UR, 2014)Lectoescritura: 'Iniciation to SyntheticPhonics'(EIP la Victoria, 2014)Studio of the Development of CommunicativeCompetence integrated in centers (2014) All these linguistic inmersions,take place in SPEAKING COUNTRIES CLIC 2012/13 DEVELOPMENT OF THECOMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE Analysis of the C.C in the centerObjectives and priorities in the centerAdopted agreement to prmote thecompetenceEvaluation of the objectives of the projectMaterials design, planification,sequence and fina product of theactivities oriented to the developmentof the competence 2013 B1 level of EnglishConstitution of group-worksColaboration of the departmentsApproval of the staffTeachers of 'Lengua Castellana'and other sbujects Facilitate that all teachers impartclasses in the same number of student's groups.Facilitate that all the teachers share1 non lective hour to dedicate to the groupGuarantee that the participation in theproject will not have a negative repercussion in final grades. Certificate of the meetings/sessionsParticipants' insciptionsRepresentative of the collectiveElaborate and present the documentof the development of the linguisticcompetence Constitution of the group-workin the centerActivities related to the linguisticcompetence (TIL application, AICLEmethodology) Aereas: languages and other subjectObjectives and prioriies in the centerPEC setActivities related to other aereas orsubjectSecond semester1 LEGuarantee that the participation inthe project will ot have a negativerepercussion in the final mark Characteristics Requirements Obligations Functions of the coordinator Helps 2012/13 2013/14 2010 PILC New linguistic inmersion stay in Spain350 euros / 250 euros up to 3000Materials used in digital format and paper 1 didactic unit will be taught in EnglishEnglish department can colaborate, adviseand introduce reinforcement activities6 meetings (2 beggining, 2 middle, 2 end)Report: Didactic units design with AICLEmethodology, materials which have been used and valuation of the objectives New modality C (B2 level)PILC A: routines, greetings, indicationsinstructions (small parts of the curriculum)PILC B: 1didactic unit in EnglishPILC C: the contents of an aerea in English Diverse activities in order to makean organizative, curricular andmethodological modelPILC C: Reduction of 1 lective hourThe coordinator must be a participant of Modality B/CReport: aplication of the organizative,curricular and methodological modelthat contains AICLE 2011/12 Teachers of non linguistic subjectsModality A (B1), Modality B (B2)It will be organised a linguistic inmersioncourse to people under AICLE methodologyor Innovation Programms.Approval of the project by the staffEnglish Department should help Help measures Auxiliary conversationsLinguistic inmersion courseTeachers can request an economic help300 euros / 200 euros up to 2.000Modality B teacher will have a reduction of hours Obligations Inform the familiesGuarantee that the project will not have negative repercussions in the final markCount on with the colaboration of the English departmentThe teacher will maintain the same groups Functions of the Coordinator 3 meetings per yearGlobal valuationMaterials used in a digital formatAct as an Interlocutor between thecenter and the Educative Innovation ServiceParticipants' inscriptionsElaboration of a final report
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