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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 United States أمريكا Austriaاستراليا Rubyالياقوت Turquoiseالفيروز lapis lazuliالازورد Gemstones الأحجار الكريمه Topazالتوباز Chinaالصين Pearlاللؤلؤ Jadeاليشب Brazilالبرازيل Amethystالجمشت Garnetsالعقيق ُ Egyptمصر Aquamarineالزبرجد Berylالبريل Tourmalineالتورمالين Multitourmalinالتورمالين المزدوج Rubellite Tourmalineالتورمالين الياقوتي Kunziteالكونزيت Mexicoالمكسيك Fire opalأوبال النار Opalالأوبال Tunisiaتونس coralالمرجان Indiaالهند Obsidianالسبج Emerald الزمرد Diamonds الألماس Sri Lankaسريلانكا Sapphireالسفير Star sapphireالسفير النجمي Yemenاليمن Sardالعقيق الأحمر Onyxالجزع Synonym Antonym Rich read colour They are luminons Istend to be translucent Is a smoth,lustrous Refers to a black&white banded Transparent to translucent with warm body colors Hyponym Hyponym Hyponym Hyponym Hyponym Hyponym Hyponym Hyponym Used for intaglios and cameas colourless topaz is coated with a thin layer of titanium. it is very rare mixed colours that acquires fine golden lustre when polished. TIGERS EYE عين النمر Delicate veining, caused by impurities Synonym the color an integral part of its structure a bright blue metamorphic rock consisting largely of lazurite a tourmaline of an intense red a precious stone consisting of a clear and typically colorless a bright green precious stone Synonym a yellow or brownish-red variety of chalcedony. a hard, typically green stone used for ornaments a hard stony substance secreted by certain marine Bashayer Mohammad Al- dorybe Semantics course Antonym +Rare +pallid +- Colorless +Rare +-Glossy +Glossy +Glossy +a precious +pallid +a semiprecious variety -Multicolor -Glossy +semiprecious stone +Multicolor +Glossy +Glossy +Rare +Glossy +bright green in color. - Colorless -Colorless -Colorless -Colorless +Colorless +Rare +coelenterate Bashayer Mohammad Al-dorybe Semantics project +bright The Prototype is : Emerald
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