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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Accidental or unplanned growth in mobileapplications can lead to unmanaged dataconsumption in the enterprise. of mobile applications - discarded mobile apps stillconsuming data in an unmanaged state - is on the rise. Explains how we judge people differently Internal Behaviour 2010 downloads (actual) 10.9 billion The % relative cost to add a simple approvalworkflow mobile app to a large enterprisetransformation effort. ... within increasing management needs 50 Fritz Heider was the first to propose this idea in the early 20th century. 50 80% The % increase in program funding likelihoodif mobile applications are included in alarge enterprise transformation effort. Zombification For more information on planning and readiness for mobile and cloud computing visit Our complimentary SAP Experts briefing on data governance for mobile computing may be found at (login required). Behavior under personal control of the individual 76.9 billion * informal crowd poll of 40 SAP customersbased on $US 1-5 Million enterprisetransformation effort size (services only). * source: SAP BusinessObjects User Conference (2012) Summation History 2 But it was Weiner and Colleagues who created the theoretical framework in 1972 that has become so popular. Definition Is the theory that explains how we judge people differently When we observe an individuals behaviour we try to determine whether the individual is responsible for the behaviour or whether something outside the individual caused thebehaviour Perceptual Errors double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. When people observe an individuals behavior they may observe them incorrectly andmake mistakes. They tend to over estimate internal factors. This may hurt relationships such as thinking someone is rude when they are really just a quiet person. External Behaviour results from outside causes and the individuals behaviour is forced. Attribution Theory A student may seem to be agitated and nervous afterreceiving a new assignment that is due the following day along with three others. Because this person does not often do this in other situations and people often do this in similar situations and the student have seldom done this in the past, you canconclude that its an external cause: the assignments. For example a co-worker is sullen,antisocial and missing a lot of work. This is not unusual behaviorfor them in most situations. For most individuals this is uncommon but this specific co-worker has been this way often. This shows that the co-worker is suffering from an internal issue such as depression. Summation We never knew that there were different aspects to howpeople behave. We learned that external pressures can cause people to behave a particular way and it isn't always under their control.This relates to real life because everybody, at some point, judges how people act; Whether they make theproper judgment or not.What Next?Now that people know about the attribution theory theycan now learn to make better judgments on whether people's behavior is internal or external.
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