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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 double click to change this header text! Alzheimer's Disease: A globalhealthpriority Total population of China 1,353,601,000 Alzheimer's Disease Chinese -- Alzheimer's Disease International -- World Alzheimer's Report -- China 360 Alzheimer Project One Child Policy Elderly Support in 2010 = 1:9Elderly Support in 2050 = 1:3 Dementia A brain disorder 98.2 Nurses/10k population24.22 Doctors/10k population Vascular Risk Factors:Cigarette smokingMidlife HypertensionMidlife ObesityDiabetes China The most commonform of Dementia Treatment Teach nutrition education Inform re: safe drinking water Environmental protection Physical activity Home-care guidelinesHygieneSafetyDaily activityAggressionSun-downingWanderingIncontinence Other (Treating symptoms)Safe, Supportive EnvironmentExercise, Nutrition Other:Treating symptomsSafe, supportive environmentExercise, nutrition Medications: Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Exelon, Razadine, Aricept Other Drugs: Namenda 2010 15.94 Est. People w/Dementia Males: 702,802,000 • Females 650,798,000 2030 33.04 WORLDWIDE DEMENTIA (Crude estimate) >60 Population in 2010: 405,000,000 2050 60.92 Prevelance in 2010: 3.9% 2009 - 35.6 Million2030 - 65.7 Million2050 - 115.4 Million Healthcare Demographic Shift 13.8 Nurses/10k population14.15 Doctors/10k population U.S. Asia Decline in MemoryDecline in Mental FunctionLoss in IntellectLoss in Social Skills Etiology Age, Genetic Susceptibility Patient Vascular Risk Factors:Cigarette SmokingMidlife HypertentionMidlife ObesityDiabetes PreventionRN/CNL Role Primary Secondary Tertiary Professional Healthcare Professional Healthcare Demographic Shift (in millions) Communicate awarenessCommunicate treatmentGather family historyEducate warning signs "The government has realized theburden of dementia." "The government has realized the burden of dementia." - Dr. H. Wang Alzheimers Disease Chinese 2011 Stigma Alzheimer's Disease Chinese - Alzheimer's Disease International - World Alzheimer's Report - China 360 Alzheimer Project BeneficialPsychosocial Factors:High EducationActive Social InteractionPhysical ExerciseMentally Stimulating Activity
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