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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Structural vs. Behavioral Adaptations Structural Behavioural Coming from the Ancient Greek ana-tome (meaning to cut), anatomy studies the structure of the body: what components we are made of, and how we are put together. Anatomy looks at specific parts of the body such as the heart, lungs, kidneys or brain, and how these are built. For example, in studying the heart, anatomy would look at its four chambers (the two atria and two ventricles), the arteries and veins feeding into it (the vena cava, aorta, pulmonary vein and pulmonary artery), and the system of valves controlling its blood flow. Physiology is the study of how animals function, including the processes our body uses to get things done such as reproduction, respiration and digestion. Physiology explains how our component parts - including organs, muscles, and the skeleton - actually work to make these processes happen. For example, physiology may look at how our lungs oxygenate the blood, and how this oxygen is then carried around the body (circulation). These functions are also known as behaviours. Different sea animals adapt to their environment using behavioural and structural adaptations. Such as the squid which uses a structural adaptation with its eight tentacles that latch onto its prey and occasionally produce poison. The Lug Worm burrows into the sand on the shore, as way of hiding from predators, this is an example of a behavioural adaptation. Different animals use different structural and behavioural adaptations to survive in their environment. Such as the squid, which uses its eight or more tentacles to latch onto its prey, the suckers attached sometimes generating poison, this is a structural adaptation. Or when the squid squirts ink, temporarily blinding its opponent, this is a behavioural adaptation.
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