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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Marketing Objective - Identify final touch points, strongest leads, e.g. devices and optimise efficiencyChannels: Website, youtube, social, search engines, DevicesKPI's - Website visits, number purchases, purchase valueMeasurements: Web analyticsCRMTransaction dataAcquisition channels cantribution inConversion Marketing Objective - Generate Leads, Re-targeting, Strengthening middle touch pointsChannels: Paid/ Organic, Display Ads, Email, YoutubeKPI's - Number Leads, CPA, ROAs, CTRMeasurements: Conversion tracking, Youtube analyticsCTR Drop off Point in videoAd analyticsSocial Spread rating Marketing Objective - Brand Awareness/ Reputation, Change PerceptionsChannels - Youtube, Social, AdsKPI's - Brand Lift, Video Engagement, Gross Rating PointsMeasurements: FIRST STAGE CONTACT MIDDLE STAGE FINAL STAGE Youtube enables companies to re-engage with viewers who havevisited their channel before throughadvertising on a cost per action basis. Video can do wanders for a website bringing 3x more monthly visitors whospend 88% more time on the website.Video also brings in 15% more organic traffic searches from search engines. Finally, posts with videos attract 3x more inbound links than plain text posts(SEOmoz). Sales Journey Introduction to Product/ Brand "How they find out about it" BRAND AWARENESS Series of Touch points Re- Targeting ClicksPRODUCT SUPPORT The Last Channela Consumer is exposedto before purchasing CALL TO ACTION SOMERSAULTTHE BENEFITSOF YOUTUBEIN BUSINESS Increase your SEO with video, which in turnincreases your websites chances of being found in a direct searchpurchase. Extend REACH to a large audience on Youtube. Increase ENGAGEMENT with video content. Use Youtube Ads to RETARGET previous visitors to your channel. Understand your audience DEMOGRPHICS. YOUTUBE OPPORTUNITIES Targeted Advertising Product Demos The invideo CTA's allow the sales journey to continue from the video. Directing consumers to the website oronto next touchpoint to enhance the Likelihood of an enquiry. It strengthens the targeting and guides the consumer. Calls to Action MEASURE WHAT MATTERS Social Campaign Brand Video SEO FIRST STAGE CONTACT ACQURING CUSTOMERS Email Marketing EXPERTISE MIDDLE STAGE BRAND LIFT"Is an ATTITUDINAL Rating that Cannot simply be Measured by Behaviour" CONVERSION RATE/ CTR"Is a BEHAVIOUR rating, how to re-engage and encourage an action" ROI"Is an OUTCOME Measurement, Number purchases, enquiries." FINAL STAGE MEASURE WHAT MATTERS Most companies dont understand how to think about YouTube, and therefore fail to tie YouTube marketing campaigns to tangible business goals. Businesses often fail to set KPIs before beginning the process of creating and promoting content on YouTube. Views vs. Overall PopulationAd analyticsQualitative analysis of commentsEngagement rating Social Spread rating Producing a product demo videois useful way for online companies with limited physical distribution to communicate with their audience and explain how to use their product,its benefits and features. Furthermore, a consumer is 46% more likely to seek information about a product orservice after watching a video. Subscribers When businesses include video in an email  they find a 200% to 300% increase in click through rate (Forrester) Youtube can increase a campaign's exposure with "shareable" content across different social media channels. 500 years of youtube videos are watched on Facebook every day (Newsroom FB 2013) and 500 tweets per minute contain a youtube link. In addition to this, 1 million people take social action youtube every week. (Youtube). Branded content Video presents an opportunity to Build relationships with consumers. It allows companies to get across theirbrands personality and send powerful messages about what their company stands for. YouTube Analytics provides a wealth of data from the demographics, regions, viewer duration and traffic sources.This Data is valuable for evaluating effectiveness of current campaigns and guiding future marketing campaigns to ensure you reach the righttarget audience and find out what content is and isn't engaging them more behavioural analytics then a written post which is harder to track The subscription option on youtube offers an opportunity for improving retention rates and re-engaging current customers. Subscribers are easier to reignite and engage with new content. They watch 4x as many videos on your YouTube channel for 2x as long. Analytics Video is a stronger communication tool to compact information into a short easy to digest format. By providing regular video content you are setting your brand apart as a thought leader with expertise in yourfield. This will generate a higher dependancy from your clients as business consumers are hungry for content and industry insights. Branded video content reaches nearly half (46%) of all UK internet users. More than half those people (54%) go on to click through to the brands website, and a different 54 percentwill visit the brands YouTube channel, if they have one. (Econsultancy) Analytics
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