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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ITEM NO. 004 description here 7% Google Map - synced with my email Gmail, It pointsme my location- free, voice-guided navigation in a location either by driving, transit or walking- can locate nearby resto, bars, atm, attractions, hotels with online reviews-can be switched to satellite or terrainview-can easily check in at a location- very useful for me especially when I don't know the direction to a location-I can easily locate a hotel with contact information Picasa - imports my photos and track the date they were shoot and file them in folders-has basic editing and pictures can be made into a collage or poster that amateur can easily runthrough-I can easily edit first photos by putting texts in bakeryingredients before uploading orsending them to the office Dropbox - any file can be saved in Dropbox andcan also be saved in mobile and desktop-with a start of 2GB storage-files can be shared to others-I use this when sharing files with my classmates in UPOU when there are collaborations among us. PRODUCTIVITY APPS My Email Apps how do I STAY connected tothe internet? - offers free email which you can view anywhere and where ever you are - easy reply and/ or compose of messages for just a push of the button -messages can be mark as read or important -receiving of email daily and up-to- date is not a problem with me - easy email set-up -I can email files up to 10GB - I can video chat, call a friend or just chat while I wait Gmail Zimbr a ....Connectivity GmailZimbraGoogle MapDropbox Picasa Dropbox unless you need to upload the file I'm always on the go. I have my own surf plan so that I can easily access the web in connection with my work and studies. Here are my most common productivity apps that I used almost everyday (whichI can't live about). - offers open-source email which you can view anywhere and where ever you are (in mobile devices or desktop) are - easy reply and/ or compose of messages for just a push of the button -simple email platform -can be sync with mobiles but needs authorization from Zimbra -slow upload of files - when using mobile, I can't find the attach picture/file so I need to switch to my desktop - I can easily read email from work but still needs to access internet browser
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