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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Psychological effects of WWI Psychological effects of WWI in results of shell shock In WWI some of the men had to much of an imagination the thingsthey saw out on the battle field effectedtheir lives and caused them to becomementally ill. What are the different types of shell shock? Neurosis is a part of shell shock and it is characterized by anxiety but they use ego defenses to keep the anxiety at a minimum. These people with this kind of shock are people that remain in good contact with reality which they have no irrational thoughts, delusions, or hallucinations What was the psychological results of WWI? Is there a mild shell shock? Yes,Psychosis is also a part of shell shock but it is mild shock. It’s the complete opposite of Neurosis, it is characterized by a loss of contact with reality. Which means they may be delusional, or they may have irrational beliefs that interfere with common sense. What are the symtoms? Symptoms of shell shock are fatigue, tremor, confusion, nightmares and impaired sight and hearingTinnitus, amnesia, headache, dizziness, tremor, and hypersensitivity to noise. How many soldiers were effected by this? At the battle of Somme in 1916, 40% of casualties were shell shocks. And 1 % of officers were also effected​ Human bodies were used to help better the trench system. Soldiers would use the protruding limbs of the passed soldiers on the battle field to hold their canteens. How were soldiers effected by this? resources (Jay Winter, Historian, the end of heroism ) l l
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