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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Silk in China Silk first began in China.It was the first known fabric that was developed in China. It gradually spread through the Chinese culture and many other countries and regions in Asia. When Silk was first discovered it was authorized only for theemperor and people who were high in power. Slowly manyclasses of the society began towear tunics of silk. According to Chinese legend, silk was discovered in 2460 B.C. A Chinese Empress, Xi Ling Shi lived in a palace with a gardenthat had many mulberry trees. One day she took a cocoon from one of the trees and accidently dropped it in hot water. She foundthat shimmering threads unraveledfrom the cocoon. Xi Ling Si is nowknown for being the goddess of silk. The Silkworm is the caterpillar of the Silk Moth. It feeds on theleaves of the mulberry trees. They need to be fed regularlyand be placed in a controlled environment. The Silkworm then spins itselfinto a cocoon so that it can protectitself. A typical cocoon is about1-1.5 km.of filament. The Silkworm spends about a week when making its cocoon. The cocoons are then sorted by size and color so that the finished product can be the same quality. The cocoons are then soaked in water to loosen the fiber. About 2500 cocoons produce one pound of silk. They are then twistedfrom the loose ends of the cocoon. Silk was transported in boats across the sea. It was also transported in caravans on land. After the silk is put in thewater it is laid out to dry. AWhen it is dry the silk is weavedand dyed into beautiful colors. Once the cloth is weavedthe silk is embroideredinto beautiful patternsand designs. Fact: One cocoon can contain 1,000 meters of silk. 111 cocoons are needed for a man's.630 cocoons are needed to makea woman's blouse. There were two ways to manufacture silk:the sheng zi process and the shu zi process. Silk became a luxury fabric and was in very high demand because of its texture, luster, and quality. The design of this fabric eventuallycreated the start of the Silk Road.During the year 3500 BC silk was considered even more valuable then gold. In China Buddhism spread widely across the country. Buddhist monks, art, and paintings spreadthe Buddhist religion. Also monasteries, stupas, and grottos were created for religious purposes. It was alsoused for travelers and the sick. The Silk Road affected China socially because more languages were introduced to people, there were newways to communicate, new ways to write, and draw.
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