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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 RiceSilk RoadChina to West Traders-Traders would marry local women so they would have food and shelter when they return. Caravansaries-Caravansaries were rest stops for the traders where they could rest and feed their animals. Religion-Buddahism and Islam grew rapidly during this time period. When merchants would travel they would carry their beliefs with them. The development of monasteries was also done through traveling merchants. Impact of Ocean Trade-Since sailors had homes in the variety of different ports, they returned home seldomley. Also, since they did not use as much energy as merchants, they did not need to spend as much time recuperating. Since sailors spent much less time at home than before, they were culturally isolated, and became somewhat of a nomad. Technology Advancements-wheel barrow: helped make agricultural work more efficientmagnetic compass:made sea travel saferpaper:made written communicationpossible on a great scalegunpowder:changed warfare in Europe Rice was originated in China and then moved to India, Europe and Africa. Rice is not usually eaten raw, it is usually boiled. Many countries have adapted it, so for some it is part of their main diet. Japan, Spain, and Thailand are a few examples of where rice has became a staple in their diet. Weather-Weather affected sea trading by having monsoon winds that were able to control the sped of the ship. Map of Silk Road-Europe to Asia Impact of general trade-Trade in general, spread ideas, foods, technology and religions throughout the silk road. Because of the trade, countries became linked with other countries that they would have normally no connection with. Because of the connection of all of these countries, they all grew because of the unifying collaboration.
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