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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 There are two types of LTM: Declarative (explicit) and Non-Declarative (implicit). -Non-declarative memories include memories of body movement and how to use items. These memories are dividedinto procedural (how to ride a bicycle), motor skills (thingswe tend to do as daily basis such as eating breakfast or getting ready to go to school), and emotional (emotionally events that are easily remembered. References Long-term memory includes all of the information onecan remeber such as your name, where were you born,what you did yesterday, how you spent your childhood, and so on. This information is out of our awareness but can be called into working memoryif necessary. Most of the informationis easy to remember,while others are harder to recall. LTM can last for a few daysor can either last for decades. -Declarative are all the memories that are in our conscious. These memories are divided into semantic memories (knowledge about the world such as, who is the president of the U.S) and episodic memory (specific events such asyour 16th birthday). LTM is not located in just one part of the brainbut the hippocampus plays a big role in the LTM. 1) Cherry, K. (2011). What is long-term memory?. Retrieved from Alzheimer's disease, whichsimply comes with ageaffects the LTM,affecting the amygdala, brain stem,frontal lobe, hippocampus, parietallobe, and temporal lobe. Lucila Herrera-Parkinson University of Houston LONG-TERM MEMORY (LTM) Drinking alcohol, excessive marijuana use, and bad nutrition canaffect your LTM. -Cohen and Squire (1980) conducteda study where they found amnesic patients having trouble remembering episodic and semantic information following the onset of amnesia,where as their memories for events that they got before the onset tendedto remain undamaged. In other words,their procedural memory seemed to be unaffected. 3) McLeod, S. (2010). Long term memory. Retrieved from 2) Long term memory. (2008, July 23). Retrieved from 4) Pritchard, J. (2011, April 30). Retrieved from 5) Reisberg, D. (2010). Cognition, exploring the science of the mind. (4th ed.). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
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