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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Milk vs. Sports Drinks Bovine-based milk represent a very good source of proteins, lipids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Resistance exercise and sports- repeated high intensity contractions of varying muscle groups that leads to well characterized adaptations in muscles. The study:-fat-free milk -- soy beverage -- flavored carbohydrate beverage with maltodrextrin-training 5 days per week for 12 weeks-consumed assigned beverage immediately after and one hour after training sessionThe results:-consumption of fat-free milk resulted in greatest increases in muscle hypertrophy, as observed through greater increases in both type I and II muscle fiber areas-milk group also gained the most lean body mass over the duration of the study-fat mass also declined to the greatest extent in the in the milk group Endurance sports and activities- sub-maximal activities that can be performed for more prolonged periods of time. During exercise:When participants rode at a set intensity until exhaustion, milk and carbohydrate based sports drinks resulted in similar times of exhaustion, suggesting that milk is just as beneficial as commercially available sports drinks at delaying the onset of fatigue under these conditions.After exercise:Four hours after exercise in a hot environment, the milk groups were in a net positive fluid balance , while both the sportsdrink and water conditions remained in a net negative fluid balance. Therefore, it was concluded that low-fat milk was an effective beverage for promoting rehydration following exercise-induced dehydration, and the low-fat milk was superiorto a commercially available sports drink in promoting rehydration due to lower total urine output during recovery. There is growing scientific evidence to support the use of low-fat following exercise by both individuals and athletes who habitually undertake strength or endurance training. There is data which suggests that fat-free milk as effective as, and possibly more effective than, commercially available sports drinks at promoting recovery from strength and endurance exercise. Roy, B. R. (2008). Milk: The new sports drink? a review. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 5(15), doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-5-15
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