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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Is it widely used? Who regulates it? Why's is important? What is it? Hydraulic Fracturing American Petroleum Institute Hydraulic Fracturing Hydraulic fracturing is a proven technology that has been used since the 1940s in more than 1 million wells in the United States to help produce oil and natural gas. A government-industry study found that up to 80 percent of natural gas wells drilled in the next decade will require hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing allows access to formations, like shale oil and shale gas, that had not been assessable before without the technology. It also allows more oil and natural gas to be brought to the surface from wells that had been produced without this technology. It enables production of more oil and natural gas, reducing dependence on foreign sources of energy and creating more jobs for Americans. It’s an indispensable technology for producing much of our clean-burning natural gas Doesn't it pose an environmental threat? No. The environmental track record is good, and the technology is used under close regulatory supervision by state, local, and federal regulators. How are fluids kept away from drinking water? 1. Wells are drilled away from drinking water wells.2. Fracturing occurs at depths where usablegroundwater is likely to be found.3. When a well is drilled, steel casing and surrounding layers of concrete are installed as a safe barrier. There are multiple federal, state, and local government rules addressing government protection operations, including the protection of water resources. Why should you allow it? Isn't there a risk that fracking will use up an area's supplies? No. Local authorities control water use and can restrict it if necessary. Water requirements for tracking are less than many other commercial and recreational uses. It provides energy for U.S. industry, helps strengthen our economy locally and nationally, and helps contribute to higher disposable incomes.
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