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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Zoos Have Become a Modernized Form of Noahs ArkBy: Sarah Kelly Life for animals in the wildhas become increasinglydangerous due to habitatdestruction and poaching. Ralph R. Acampora, author of the book Metamorphosis of thezoo stated, "There is no doubt that many species are in peril. The 2007 IUCN Redlist mentions that some 60,000 species ofvertebrates and around 1,200,000 invertebrate species have been listed thus far" (Acampora 11). WWF stated, "The world is dealing with anunprecedented spike in illegalwildlife trade,threatening tooverturn decades of conservationgains...Poaching threatens the last of our wild tigers that numberas few as 3,200." How can we expect our exotic creatures to thrive when their natural habitats are being destroyed exponentially? Imagine if an animal in a zoo could speak, what do you think they would say? Would they say that this is what they really want, or would they say that they hate being trapped in a cage? Zoos give animals stability; they are fed when they need to be fed, their medical needs are taken care of, and they are able to live in peace.We should try to modify our zoos better to fit the needs of these creatures;possibly by giving them more space. To be kept in captivity is the safest option for these exotic creatures at the moment. Pollution, global warming, habitat destruction, and poaching have led to a massive amount of animals ending up on the endangered species list. I propose that we improve our zoos to meet the needs of the animals that inhabit our zoos in the meantime,and hopefully one day we can create a world where it will be safe for animalsto return to their natural habitat. PETA, a non-profit American animalrights organization cries out for humanitywhen they state:"Animals are closely confined, lack privacy, and have little opportunity for mental stimulation or physical exercise."Although the animalsfreedoms are restricted, every beings natural instinct is to survive, and thats what zoos do,they keep animals alive. A Florida State University Journal of Animal Ecology states: "coral reefs have declined by an estimated27% because of pollution and human exploration, and more than 78 million acres of tropical forest are estimated to be lost each year to deforestation" (Pablo and Miller 1175). Zoos protect animalsfrom humans that take theirhomeland and hunt them for their fur, meat, or tusks.They also protect our animalsfrom the increasing dangers in the wild, and although zoos still have some work to do they prove to be beneficial to people and animals alike. My Proposal Acampora, Ralph R. Metamorphosis of the Zoo. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2010. Print. Munguia, Pablo, and Thomas E. Miller. Habitat destruction and metacommunity size in pen shell communities. Journal of Animal Ecology (2008): 77, 1175.Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 December 2013.Threats-Illegal Wildlife Trade. WWF, 2013. Web. 17 November 2013.Zoos: Pitiful Prisons. PETA, Web. 17 November 2013. Sources
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