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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Comparatively, theAustralian govermentspends a year on thehealth of eachAustralian. San Diego Labor Board vs. Zihan Zhang United Kingdom Kick #1: Requests for Chinesetranslator repeatedly denied. Russia Canada USA $4404 $968 $2340 $8362 But, employers have rights, too! Deputy Commissioner says,"I know you understand everything. You do not need a translator."Really? YEARLY INDIVIDUAL HEALTH SPENDING Obey and Pay!No choice in San Diego! Recreation= $161.09 Medical care andhealth expenses= $79.49 Personal care= $22.76 $3441 *resources - In California, no one stands up to theLabor Board. State Senator, Congressman, attorneys, all advise Employer to pay to stay in business. They say it's an old story. Unfair charges. Foreigners treated rudely. 99.9% pay and keep quiet because the Labor Board can't be sued. CA Labor Board is above the law! Really? 99.9% 0.1% $3480 One employee claims she worked 21 hours a day for a month with no pay or overtime. Are you kidding me? Kick #2: Initial conference for each employee allows no rebuttal to claims - employees encouraged to continue complaints even though they are unbelievable. In 2013, Zihan Zhang is awarded an E2 Visa from U.S. government for investing $200,000 in a U.S. business that creates jobs and prospers the economy Antique Thai Cuisine restaurant by the stadium in San Diego.In 2014, 3 employees file complaints with CA Labor Commissioner. Each claims they were not paid for regular work and overtime. Penalties equal $10,000. In 2013, Zihan Zhang is awarded an E-2 Visa from U.S. government for investing $200,000 in a U.S. business that creates jobs and prospers the economy Antique Thai Cuisine restaurant by the stadium in San Diego.In 2014, 3 employees file complaints with CA Labor Commissioner. Each claims they were not paid for regular work and overtime. Penalties equal $10,000. Kick #3: Requests to meet with Supervisor of Labor Board repeatedly denied. Waiting 2 months to hear from Supervisor of Labor Board.Must be so very busy, right? Kick #4: Next, Deputy Commissioner performs 2 inspections in 2 weeks. The 2nd time she walks in back door unannounced and starts interviewing employees. Deputy Commissioner asks employee, "You only get minimum wage? Is that all she pays you?" Underdog! Will someone please help me? Contact me, Zihan Zhang.There must be many like me. Help me fight for my rights? I came to USA in good faith. Who else will come to CA on E-2 Visa from Chinaor Europe? Will someone please help me? Contact me: Zihan Zhang.There must be many like me. Who else will come to CA on E-2 Visa from Asiaor Europe?
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