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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Rescuing the African Penguins The African Penguin population has decreasedby 67% since 2001. African penguins breed around South Africa,Near Cape Town and Madagascar. Ships and oil rigs pollute the very watersthat penguins swim in. Oil will also killthe fish, leaving the penguins with nothing to eat. Sadly enough, some penguinsthat are saved have to beforce-fed because theyrefuse to take from their"captors". Oil can damage a penguin'swings greatly. It weighsthem down and strips away their feathers, allowing waterto enter freeze their skin. Penguins have littlechance of survivingwhen they aresoaked in oil. Only few adopt the survivalinstinct needed toswim back to shore. A penguin's head can spin aroundalmost 270 degrees. Strong flippers can helpa penguin swim at aspeed of 12 mph. Oilcan slow them downand render their feet almost useless. A penguin has about 300feathers per square inch. If oil soaks into them, it can causeserious irritation and itching to the penguin. A sharp beak can provea penguin either a successful hunter or a bad one. It can cutthrough a fish's hard, scaly outer layer. A penguin's eyesight is almost four times assharp underwater comparedto that of land. When a penguin is captured(or saved), it has to be fed, cleaned, and tagged to identify incase of another incident. When an oil spill occurs, the penguinshave to be evacuated as soon aspossible. Once they are all out of thearea, the water is cleaned. Cleaningthe water is very challenging and oftentakes months to finish. Some penguinsgo back to their clean home while others are taken to zoos andreservations. Even after all that hardwork, everything pays off in the end.
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