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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 3 ORGANIZING SCRIPTURES OBJECTS Worship the God Father through Jesus his Son, by power of the Holy Spirit. your artboard THE PATHWAY TO HIS PRESENCE TEXT God the Father is looking for those who worship him in spirit and truth. "Offer your everyday, ordinary life as a living sacrifice, this is your spiritual act of worship." WHOLEHEARTED WORSHIP: A PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 7 BIG IDEAS "Everybody worships, all the time." God's vision for worship:"You will be My people, and I will be Your God." (Ex 6:7, 1Peter 2:9) | Encouraging Wholehearted Worship Worldwide 1. ALL OF LIFE. Romans 12:1 Worship is a lifestyle. 2. SPIRIT AND TRUTH John 4:243. LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE Mark 12:30 First Commandment in First Place double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul all your mindand with all your strength. WE PROCLAIM: JESUS IS LORD! Underdstanding The Why and How of Worship. Everybody lives out of some story. Everybody worships, all the time. Worship Originates in God's Story Is there a right way and a wrong way to worship ?? Cain and Able - Gen 4David and The Ark - 1Chrn 15Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5 double click to change this title text! Gotta do God's work, God's way ! God invites us to join His community.God invites us to join His story. SING, CLAP, UPLIFTED HANDS, SHOUT, DANCE, BOW DOWN, SILENCE God is into calendar.Sacred time. Sacred space. The Pathway To His Presence 1. Clean hands and a pure heart . Psalm 242. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise! Psalm 1003. Delight yourself in the Lord. Psalm 37:4 He delights in you! Zephaniah 3:174. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:85. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Psalm 96:96. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. God is worthy! Worship Words: Acts of Reverence:Shacah - bow downPruskuneo - kiss the handActs of Service:Abad - to work, serveLeiturgia - the work of the peopleWoeth-schipe = worth+ship Shekinah glory - the manifest presence of God. Exodus 40:34, 1 Kings 8:11, Acts 2 Be filled with the knowledge of God. Study the attributes of God. Learn the names of God. !. WORSHIP IS ALL ABOUT GOD.2. WORSHIP IS TRINITARIAN.3. WORSHIP IS CHRIST CENTERED.4. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALIVE AND WELL AND BIGGER THAN OUR BOXES.5. ACTIONS AND ATTITUDES.6. RHYTHMS AND PATTERNS.7. WE REMEMBER AND ANTICIPATE. !. WORSHIP IS ALL ABOUT GOD.2. WORSHIP IS TRINITARIAN.3. WORSHIP IS CHRIST CENTERED.4. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS ALIVE AND WELL AND BIGGER THAN OUR BOXES.5. ACTIONS AND ATTITUDES.6. RHYTHMS AND PATTERNS.7. WE REMEMBER AND ANTICIPATE.
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