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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 In less than one year... 318,000 casualties occured of which 120,000 were deaths Their mouth's and lip's would be dry and would be desperate for a drink. After contact with the gas they would feel a burning pain in their eyes. Ringing in the ears Trembling hands Severe headaches Many soldiers would suffer from a condition called "Trench Foot", which is when the soldiers feet were in cold or unsanitary conditions.The foot would become numb and damage the skin that could even result in amputation. Diseases of World War One Shell Shock Influenza Trench Foot Dysentery Trench Fever Cholera Typhoid Fever Leg wounds were the most common injury and would most often lead to amputation Top These diseases killed more men gun bullets did Physical Effects on a Soldier References 1. John Campbell (N/D). WWI: Medicine on the Battlefield. Retrieved from 2. Arthur Hurst (N/D). CHAPTER X- GAS POISINING. Retrieved from 3. Caroline Alexander (September 2010). The Shock of War. Retrieved from 4. Professor Francis Cox (Monday, 10 March 2014). The First World War: Disease, The Only Victor. Retrieved from 5. Julia Tortorice (N/D). Nursing and Medicine during World War I. Retrieved from 6. Molly Billings (February 2005). The Influenza Pandemic of 1918. Retrieved from 7. BBC News (April 1, 2014). World War One: The Many Battles Faced by WW1's Nurses. Retrieved from 8. BBC News (June 3, 2014). 12 Amazing WW1 Facts that you Probably Don't Know. Retrieved from (Campbell, N/D) (Hurst, N/D) (Alexander, 2010) (Campbell, N/D) (Cox, 2014) Due to no TV's or the delay in newspaper reports; people would figure out casualties through the soldiers family or the long list of casualties. than (BBC News, April 2014) During WWI the routine of collectingblood was started to help treat thewounded soldiers. After inhaling the gas there would be severe pains in the chest, feeling as if you were being suffocated (BBC News, June 2014)
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