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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Maturity of mind is the capacity to endure uncertainty. Be sure to follow theproper office dress attire,maybe even a step up from what is expected. Don't have too many extra bags or purses;you do not what to appear messy or notput together. POSITIVE FIRST IMPRESSIONSPeople form opinions about youfrom the first seconds you walkin the door. It is important topresent yourself as a preparedprofessional. Stand straight, maintain eye contact, stay alert, face peoplewhen they are speaking, and genuinely smile at people. The Road to Success: Workplace Etiquette COMMUNICATIONHow you talk amongst your peersreflects on others view of you. Makesure you return phone calls and emails within 24 hours. Also, be very carefulwhen writing work emails because itis crucial that they are grammatically correct and error free. Remember tokeep in mind that writing a work emailis very different from a personal email;never say anything you wouldn't say to someone's face. GOOD JUDGEMENTHow you treat others and interact with them reflects a lot on you asa person. Learning peoples namesis a good way of showing that you value them. Do not judge people in the workplace on their importance;give everyone the same amount ofrespect no matter their position. MEETINGS Always make sure you arriveat least 5 minutes before thescheduled time; you neverwant to be late. If in the caseof you being late, make sure you notify someone so they are not just waiting around. During meetings, be sure to never interrupt anyone else. This is bad habit you do not want to develop. WORK SPACE You want to keep your workplacevery clean and neat. People seethis as a reflection of you, so youwant to make it very professional.Always remember to give everyonetheir own privacy and respect theirspace just like you would your own. MEETINGS Always be sure to arrive at least5 minutes before the scheduledtime; you never want to be late.In the case of you being late, make sure you notify someoneso they are not waiting for you. During meetings, make sure youdo not interrupt anyone while theyare speaking. This is a bad habit you do not want to develop. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ETIQUETTE It is important you understand the international standards of etiquetteas well. As the global market grows, so does business etiquette standardsas well. You want to research the company you are doing business andmake sure you are comfortable with the culture and the language. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ETIQUETTE It is important you understand the international standards of etiquetteas well. As the global market grows, so does business etiquette standardsas well. You want to research the company you are doing business andmake sure you are comfortable with the culture and the language.
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