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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The major proposal is to create a DIVERSITY SQUAD, which consists of bottom to top level employees from different parts of the globe and in proportionate ratios of gender. Builds awareness of self, othersand the wider world. Encouragesempathy, tolerance and understanding. Diversity Management Strategy Talent development successionplanning reinforceprogress measuringresults Lay down zero intolerance policy for discrimination Encourage summer and International InternshipsSelect on merit evaluation to ear mark at budding stage DIVERSITY SQUAD is to materialize diversity networks to support, interest, build , retain, and encourage diverse talent across genders and nationalities Catch Them Young Program(CTYP) Form work teams based on theproper mix of local business,labor costs,Cultural fitand geogragphic regions Establish HR policies as per Hofstede and Ouchi theories.Customized performance appraisal for each country International Mangement Program (IMP) Selected bright managers get chance toaccelerate their development throughrotations and international assignmentsso as to lead local businesses Think Global Act Local (TGAL) Matrix Structure of Organization Publicize the existing diversityCelebrate and value each and every culture Partner with local governments and Universities So as to have local policies running but can monitor the status of each every operationwithout disturbing it.Globalization Workforce Diversity
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