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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Women's Rights Important People Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth C. Stanton Sarah Grimké Amelia Blumer Fredrick Douglas Frances Wright Lucrieta Mott Lucy Stone Sojourner Truth Jane Hunt Martha Wright Mary McClintok Ernestine Rose Matilda Gage organized the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 authored pro-feminist articles wrote the Declaration of Sentiments Figurehead of womens suffrage organized the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 first woman to graduate from college spoke at the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 Friends with Susan B. Anthony organized the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 organized the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 Famous for her speech "Ain't I a Woman" became the first woman in America to speak to apublic audience Famous black author who signed the Declaration of Sentiments introduced pants into womens fashion 1776- Abigail Adams wrote John Adams a letter askingto "remeberthe ladies" 1821- Emma Willard founds Troy Female Seminary in New York 1833- Oberlin College becomes first coeducational college 1837- The first National FemaleAnti-Slavery Society Convention meets in NY 1838- Sarah Grimké publishes "Letterson the Equalities of Sexes and the Condition of Women" 1839- Mississippipasses the first Married Woman's Property Act 1847- Lucy Stone is the firstwoman to graduate from Oberlin College July 1848- The first Women's Rights Convention is held in Seneca Falls, NY. The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions is signed 1850- Amelia Bloomer launches the dress reformmovement 1851- Sojourner Truth delivers her "Ain't I a Women" Speech 1852- HarrietBeecher Stowe publishes Uncle Tom's Cabin 1866- The American EqualRights Association is formed 1868- Both the National Woman SuffrageAssociation and American Woman Suffrage Association are formed A Short Timeline of Major Events Goals -Equality with men socially, politically, and civilly-Women suffrage-Civil and criminal identities for women-Rights equal to those given to men-Allowance to speak in public, preach in pulpits, etc-Reforms in womens property laws in at least 9 states-The right to trial to jury of female peers-The right to vote for representatives-The right to keep her own wages-The right to person, property, children, and home-Equal opportunity in places of employment-Legislation permitting separation/divorce in case of drunkenness, insanity, desertion, cruelty "whatever any book may teach, the rights of no human being are dependent upon or modified thereby, but are equal, absolute, essential, inalienable in the person of every member of the human family..." - William Lloyd Garrison Widows were also given the right to vote in school elections in Kentucky , Although some of these goals were achieved at the time of a convention many were later revoked. Organizations That Supported Women's Rights American Equal Rights Association(1866) American Woman Suffrage Association(1869) National Woman Suffrage Association(1869) National American Woman Suffrage Association(1890) "to secure Equal Rights to all American citizens, especially the right of suffrage, irrespective of race, color or sex." -organized by Elizabeth C. Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.-condemned 14th and 15th amendments. -advocated easier divorce and an end to discrimination in work and pay. -Was created over a split in the American Equal Rights Association and whether the womens movement should support the 15th amendment. -unified AWSA and NWSA. -led by Elizabeth C. Stanton. hold strikes hold conventions create declarations publish articles propose amendments not take our husbands names handout pamphlets 1844- Femaletextile workersin MA organizethe Lowell Female LaborReform Association April 1848- New York Womens Property Act Precedents- The convention was brought on by the New York Womens Property Act and the World Anti-Slavery Convention. Lucritia Mott had been disallowed to speak at the convention, because of her gender, however, the snubbing at the convention led to a meeting of Elizabeth C. Stanton, Lucritia Mott, Martha C. Wright, Jane Hunt, and Mary Ann McClintock.The Convention- The convention was led by Elizabeth C. Stanton and Lucritia Mott. Stanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions which listed complaints, regarding mens treatment of women, and demands, for new womens rights. Over 200 women and 40 men attended the convention. The Women's Reform of the 1800s was the first major one of its kind. However, the conventions held during this period accomplished little other than creating a unified female front. Major events, such as the Seneca Falls Convention, marked the start of womens rights and suffrage movements as political campaigns, started a longbattle for women's rights, and spurred annual women'sright conventions WE WILL –––
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